Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS),
Consultant Ear,
Nose and Throat Surgeon,
Wexham Park Hospital,
Slough, Berkshire, UK.
TW / X: @Voicedoctor_uk
For Ent & Audiology News Mar/Apr 2025, we feature a wonderful interview with one of the most respected and admired otologists in the world: Prof George Browning. His influence in a number of areas has been huge, and his book, Browning’s Audiology for Clinicians, was immensely popular but (slightly bizarrely) went out of print.
Like many trainees of my generation, I had a photocopy on my shelf for many years – I felt rather guilty that I was breaching copyright, and perhaps was cheating the author out of his royalties. So, I was reassured to read that Prof Browning himself used to distribute photocopies! I was enormously impressed with the very clear explanations and thoughtful scholarship that had gone into the book. Mona Mozaffari caught up with him in a coffee shop in London – click here to read more.
Elsewhere we cover the customary wide range of subjects: the topic of cocaine-induced nasal disease is an entity I have seen increasingly in my clinics (to the uninitiated, it can look alarmingly like cancer), and Peter Andrews gives us an update on the clinical presentation and management of this increasingly common condition.
As clinicians, we often rely on guidelines to help to steer our management decisions. The management of head and neck cancer is constantly evolving and is very complex, so distilling all of this into a single document is a daunting task. Jarrod Homer and Stuart Winter have edited the latest UK guidance, and Jonathan Fussey spoke to them .
Tragically, war and conflict seem constantly to be in the news headlines, and we feature an article highlighting the work of Hearing Aid Recycling’s (HAR) partnership with the Ukrainian NGO Vidchui to deliver 1000 hearing aids to those affected by war. They put out a plea for donations of hearing aids that are no longer required so they may continue to help others hear around the world.
In our audiology articles, my co-editor Gareth speaks to Tish Gaffney, who is the new President of the American Academy of Audiology; the AAA Conference is in New Orleans in March, and the team from ENTAN will be attending, so do come and find us if you are there. We also focus on the work of Ohio-based Kris English, who celebrates the legacy of the Ida Institute; following the closure of the organisation, Kris outlines how clinicians can continue to be ‘Ida inspired’ in their practice and to offer patient-centred care in hearing rehabilitation.
We will be out and about at many other conferences in the coming months – Ray Clarke has interviewed Andreas Wagner (the renowned evolutionary biologist from Zürich), who is a keynote speaker at ESPO 2025, which will be held in Stuttgart in May. Indeed, if you are at ESPO, you may have picked up a copy of our magazine there, as we will be circulating it at the conference.
In fact, Ray has been very busy for us, as he has also co-edited the paediatrics supplement you will find with Ent & Audiology News Mar/Apr 2025; the other editor is the president of the BAA, Claire Benton.
We extend a warm welcome to Donna Corrigan (Senior Lecturer in Audiology, De Montfort University, Leicester) who has taken over from Bhavisha Parmar as our Audiology Book Reviews Editor. We’re delighted to have her on board!