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Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS),
Consultant Ear,
Nose and Throat Surgeon,
Wexham Park Hospital,
Slough, Berkshire, UK.

TW / X: @Voicedoctor_uk 


Congress season is well underway around the world – with all that’s going on, it’s hard to keep track of the various international meetings, and it is always great to see the sharing of research data and to enjoy the benefits of face-to-face gatherings.



The team from ENT & Audiology News were recently in Dublin for one of the biggest international conferences of them all – the CEORL-HNS Congress, which was attended by over 3000 delegates. Our roving reporters were there, so keep an eye out for a report in the next edition. I was in Dublin myself and also recently visited Zagreb for a joint meeting of the British Laryngological Association and the Union of European Phoniatricians. We heard a fascinating range of talks, including one on sustainability by Mahmood Bhutta. As always, his call to arms for action in this area was inspiring. In fact, keep an eye on future editions for more from Mahmood – he will be writing about his fascinating adventures into veterinary otology!

In our features sections this time, we cover a huge range of clinical topics, from microbiomes in sinus disease to hyperacusis and the uses of artificial intelligence (here and here). Within my own subspecialty of laryngology, we hear an update on the long-discussed topic of laryngeal pacemakers and a new type of implant for thyroplasty.

I am particularly delighted to introduce a very timely supplement on implantation otology and inner ear therapeutics. Prof Manohar Bance will be known to many readers, as his research recently hit the headlines around the world when he reported stunning results of inner ear gene therapy. Manohar discusses the articles in his introduction, so do take a look.

For July/August 2024, we bid a very fond and grateful farewell to Alex Griffiths-Brown, who has been a Section Editor of our Audiology Features for many years. Thank you so much to Alex for her hard work and enthusiasm over the years; we wish you well in your future endeavours.

And finally, Prof Ray Clarke (our esteemed former editor, and current president of ESPO) has written a review of a book from an immensely well-respected paediatric otolaryngologist, Dr Julie Wei. The book sounds fascinating – click here.






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Declan Costello

MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK

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