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The CEORL-HNS Academy exists to improve and update knowledge and skills among ORL-HNS residents and young specialists, aiding in their preparation for national and international exams. Exam preparation is sweeter if it can be done in the beautiful surroundings of Dubrovnik! Here, some delegates share their experience of the 2nd CEORL-HNS Academy.


Michael Kuo – Birmingham, UK member of faculty

The 2nd CEORL-HNS Academy in Dubrovnik was held on 12-13 April this year. Faculty was drawn from 11 countries covering all the subspecialties in ORL-HNS. As with the first academy in Zagreb last year, it was meticulously convened and organised by Tomislav Baudoin and his team but this time at the Akademis Akademia, a university campus in Dubrovnik. It was as enriching for the faculty as it was for the delegates. Tomislav distributed 25 topics among the faculty to cover based upon clinical scenarios on which clinical evaluation, investigation and treatment were discussed in a group format. Each group had delegates from different countries and at different stages of training. Reviews from delegates are probably more useful in reflecting the benefits they gained from the academy, so here, Luiza Mirea-Sireteanu and other attendees from throughout Europe share their experience.

"Tomislav distributed 25 topics among the faculty to cover, based upon clinical scenarios on which clinical evaluation, investigation and treatment were discussed in a group format"

Luiza Mitrea-Sireteanu – Bucharest, Romania

Attending the 2nd CEORL-HNS Academy Course in Dubrovnik was incredibly timely for me. It took place just one week before my specialty exam in Romania and I found it very helpful. The programme aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of European residents and young specialists; a goal it certainly achieved for me. Additionally, the interactive sessions on 25 topics made the learning experience engaging and effective. The fact that it coincided with my exam preparation made the experience even more impactful, helping me feel more confident and prepared for my exam, which I have since passed.


Tomislav Baudoin ringing the school bell.


Faculty selfie on day one.


Michael and Luiza in ‘uniform’.


Faculty on day two.


Faculty at the end of term party.


Small discussion group format.


The scenic beauty of Dubrovnik added an extra layer of enjoyment to the educational experience. Moreover, it provided an excellent backdrop for meeting colleagues from various parts of Europe, including Germany, Estonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Spain and so on. Among them was a colleague from my hometown of Bucharest, making our connection all the more special. Despite living in the same city, it took attending this course for us to meet and exchange experiences.

"The fact that it coincided with my exam preparation made the experience even more impactful, helping me feel more confident and prepared for my exam, which I have since passed"

During breaks and the final get-together party, I made it a point to engage with as many participants as possible. Hearing about their residency programmes and experiences during the course offered valuable insights and enriched the overall experience. These are comments from a few of the participants:

Christina Sauter – Germany: “The course was, all in all, a great experience! The mentors were amazing and taught with a lot of enthusiasm. The lessons were super relevant for the national and the European exam. With the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, they chose a great place to learn and to have fun and enjoy the company of new friends and mentors. I would definitely recommend this course for every ENT resident and young specialist, and I am thankful for this unique experience!”

Elmasa Kapetanovic – Montenegro: “I really liked the Academy Course. The topics were on point and the moderators were great. Maybe a little more time for rest between sessions would be great... by the end of the first day, I was exhausted. Even if I decide to not take the European exam, it was an excellent opportunity to renew knowledge of various ENT topics. Last, but definitely not least, are the amazing colleagues I’ve got to know, and they are truly inspiring.”

Rei Meier – Estonia: “The course fully met my expectations. Case-based studies are a great practical way to learn and revise medicine. I particularly appreciated the emphasis on the importance of answer structure. It was also valuable to gain insight into different approaches to common daily challenges from experts and peers from various countries.”

Lucija Knez – Croatia: “The location of the event was beautiful. The lectures were formed as cases we discussed in groups of 15 people. I really enjoyed this type of education, and I learned a lot. I met a lot of interesting people and had a lot of fun. The atmosphere was easy going and educational, a perfect combination.”

Irina-Maria Marinescu – Romania: “Attending the 2nd CEORL-HNS Academy was an enriching experience that exceeded my expectations. The programme helped me to deepen my understanding of otorhinolaryngology. The faculty members were incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, providing personalised guidance throughout the course. Additionally, the opportunity to interact with fellow trainees from diverse backgrounds enriched the learning environment, and exploring the historic city of Dubrovnik was a delightful bonus. In conclusion, this course not only provided me with a deeper understanding of clinical cases in otorhinolaryngology but also facilitated new connections. I will definitely recommend it to my colleagues.”

The shared sentiments of participants emphasised the transformative impact of the CEORL-HNS Academy Course in enhancing professional development and fostering meaningful connections within the ENT community across Europe.

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Luiza Mitrea-Sireteanu

Member of the Young-ESPO Board, Bucharest, Romania.

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