You searched for "oncology"

631 results found

A global online fellowship in head and neck surgery and oncology

The International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS) offers an online fellowship training programme for advanced trainees wishing to subspecialise in head and neck surgery and oncology. Emma Stapleton speaks with the Chairman of the Board of Directors...

9th Annual Aongus J Curran Memorial Head & Neck Oncology Conference

Report by: B Speaker ST7, C Fitzgerald ST7. The 9th Annual Aongus J Curran Memorial Head & Neck Oncology Conference took place on 8 March 2019 at St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. The annual multidisciplinary meeting was established by...

Update Skills in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology 2019

Foundation Oncology Skills for Paediatric Nurses 2024

The art and science of acoustic ecology

Aki Pasoulas summarises the diverse forms and approaches of the relatively new and expanding area of acoustic ecology, a discipline that studies the relationship between living beings and their sonic environment. Sound Ecology emerged in the late 1960s through the...

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation Serving Children and Adults with Hearing Loss - Third Edition

As the name indicates, this book deals with the bread and butter of audiologists or at least what should be our bread and butter. We work with changing people in changing environments, therefore, along with an acute understanding of technology,...

Therapeutic ultrasound for tumours

This review article provides details about the potential applications of transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS), its mechanism of action and the studies that have set the basis for its use in neuro-oncology. FUS is an emerging modality of therapy for various...

The unknown primary again

In this retrospective study of 35 patients, the authors followed a systematic protocol for the detection and management of malignant cervical lymph nodes without an apparent primary lesion. Although their one, three and five year survival results are consistent with...

Harnessing head and neck cancer genomics for personalised medicine

Luc Morris updates us on the future of cancer diagnosis and treatment, which lies in “personalised oncology”, where specific molecular alterations of each tumour will be identified, and matched with actionable alterations in existing therapies, ushering in the era of...