You searched for "epithelial"

126 results found

Epithelial risk factors

This review paper from Barcelona retrospectively assesses patients diagnosed with oral epithelial dysplasia between 1995-2014 and followed up until 2017. In total, 144 cases were noted, of which 42% progressed to an oral cancer by the time of review in...

Inner ear immunity

There is much speculation regarding the ear’s immune response. The environment in which we live and breathe is getting ever more complex; aspects such as the percentage of the population with autoimmune conditions are on the rise and, therefore, it...

The hippo and the nose

Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) leads to histological changes including thickening of the basilar membrane and epithelial proliferation. Molecular mechanisms underlying these changes are still not fully clear. A signalling pathway called the hippo with Yes‐associated protein (YAP) as...

Clinical histopathology of 250 parotidectomy patients

Clinical histopathology of 250 parotidectomy patients This is a retrospective study of 250 consecutive parotidectomy patients at units in Belgium and the Netherlands. The sensitivity and specificity of FNAC was 64% and 99% respectively, the sensitivity being slightly lower than...

Stem cells in nasal polyposis

Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is common and is multifactorial with increased T-helper 2 response and active role of interleukin 5. It can be associated with asthma and control of CRSwNP improves lower airway disease. Due to constant cellular...

Not just the scissors: the story of Myron Metzenbaum

Myron Metzenbaum was born in Cleveland, Ohio (USA) in 1876, the fourth of nine children. As a young man, he worked in the family’s linen store, where his father was well known to be very kind to the less fortunate...

Zinc and rhinosinusitis

Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in general, and those with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in particular, have been shown to have down-regulation of tight junction genes. Zinc, on the other hand, is well-known for its role in immune regulation and deficiency...

Cervical tracheal reconstruction

This Chinese animal study looked at the use of a xenogenic acellular dermal matrix for tracheal reconstruction. The authors took a total of 22 rabbits and divided them into an experimental (repair with xenogenic acellular dermal matrix) and control group...

CRSwNP initiation, not always an interleukin fault

CRSwNP, similar to asthma, is an inflammatory disorder (type II) with eosinophilia and raised IL-5 and IL-13. Inflammation in CRSwNP is thought to be started by IL-25, IL-33 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), all of which form an important part...

Paediatric salivary gland tumours

This is a review article of a rare group of neoplasms that frequently present as painless preauricular mass in older children. There is a wide differential including first branchial arch abnormalities, inflammatory and granulomatous processes. Those masses that are painless,...

The impact of vocal care and oral health on laryngeal function and voice

Maintenance of epithelial health relies on a number of measures. We hear about hydration, irritants and biofilms from a team in Helsinki. Oropharyngeal health Vocal hygiene is a commonly used term that refers to the personal daily habits contributing to...

Metaplasia of the concave septum

This group conducted a one year prospective study and sampled mucosa from 42 randomly selected patients with septal deviation at a single centre. They found significantly higher rate of squamous metaplasia and lymphocytic infiltration in septal mucosa on the concave...