You searched for "cochlear implant"

46 results found

Wisdom and the cochlear implant clinician

Helen Cullington provides the clinician’s perspective on the challenges faced in building artificial intelligence into cochlear implant clinics. She highlights the importance of including the clinician with their wisdom and experience to help make sense of the patterns of data....

Leading in cochlear implant reliability

All MED-EL’S titanium cochlear implants since 2006 have an overall cumulative survival rate of over 99%.

SYNCHRONY Cochlear Implant System

SYNCHRONY is specifically designed to deliver the most natural hearing possible. Full-length electrode arrays Atraumatic electrodes for structure preservation 3.0 Tesla MRIs without magnet removal.

Music training for cochlear implant users

The ability to enjoy music is something that is important to most people and contributes to wellbeing, as well as holding cultural significance. However, the speech signal is generally prioritised for those with cochlear implants (and indeed hearing aids). Improving...

Cochlear implant use in young children

There are clear and well-established links between those identified and fitted with amplification early and good spoken language outcomes, but how much does the time an appropriately fitted hearing instrument is used each day contribute to this? During the first...

Milestones profile for children with cochlear implant

Over the last eight years, Nottingham auditory implant programme have developed and validated a profile of auditory milestones for use with children receiving bilateral cochlear implants under the age of two years. The structure of the Nottingham Auditory Milestones profile...

Cochlear implant electrode insertion technique

Atraumatic cochlear implant insertion techniques (so-called ‘soft surgery’) are now standard practice in most centres for all cases (no longer just for attempted hearing preservation cases). This has led to several studies examining cochlear trauma and electrode insertion force. In...

Virtual reality simulation training for cochlear implant surgery

Temporal bone virtual reality (VR) simulation training has been shown to be a useful tool for learning mastoidectomy. The authors aimed to evaluate the role of VR in cochlear implant (CI) surgery. The study was performed as part of a...

Electrocochleography and speech-perception in cochlear implant (CI) patients

It is difficult to predict the speech perception outcomes of cochlear implantation. Previous studies showed that total response electrocochleography (ECochG-TR) may explain the variance in CI performance better than biographic, audiometric, and surgical factors combined. The authors’ objectives were to...

The sound of music for adult cochlear implant recipients

Dr Valerie Looi has dedicated her academic career to investigating music perception in people who have cochlear implants, and more recently, the potential of music training for improving their music perception. This article outlines current research relating to music perception...

Early cochlear implant activation and its effects on the cochlea

In this article, Alhabib et al consider the changes to electrode impedance with early device activation (day one) compared to conventional activation (day 30). Activation at day 30 is a cautious approach, which has been popular for many years. However,...

Complex Cochlear Implant Cases – Management and Troubleshooting

When working with cochlear implant (CI) recipients who are not responding as well as expected or their case incorporates new challenges for the audiologist, the common response is a quick panic, closely followed by a question: what do we do...