You searched for "NF2"

13 results found

Preserving hearing in NF2 patients

Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is known to result in bilateral hearing loss, even when there is no significant tumour growth. The cause is postulated to be multifactorial: stretching and compression of the cochlear nerve by the tumour, impairment of labyrinthine...

Follow-up of NF2 patients with ABRs, SDS and MRI

Hearing loss is one of the earliest manifestations in vestibular schwannomas with 60% of the patients having high frequency loss. Several metabolic and mechanical factors influencing the cochlea and cochlear nerve have been implicated in the hearing decline noted in...

Auditory brainstem implant results in adults and children

Background The auditory brainstem implant (ABI) has been developed from cochlear implant (CI) technology and is indicated for people who have anatomical abnormalities of the cochlea or dysfunction of the auditory nerve. The majority of people who have received an...

Damage to the cochlear nucleus with electrocautery to the cochlear nerve

This study is of importance to neurotologists and neurosurgeons. It is unclear why patients with NF2 have poorer outcomes with an auditory brainstem implant compared to non-tumour patients. This effect is postulated to be due to damage to certain cells...

Molecular and genetic nature of skull base tumours drives management

This article reviews the molecular basis and paradigm shift in the diagnosis and management of skull base tumours. It is now known that the phenotype of meningiomas is influenced by their genotype. Endolymphatic sac tumours are observed in up to...

Acoustic schwannoma regression post-Gamma Knife treatment

In this retrospective study the authors studied the optimal interval following radiosurgery for differentiating between true growth of tumour versus pseudoprogression using serial volumetric data. A total of 118 patients with a median tumour volume of 0.74cm3 at Gamma Knife...

Practical Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery

The introduction describes this text as being useful for a wide readership including the medical student, physician assistant, nurse practitioner and physical therapist dealing with dizziness. I would be of the opinion as indicated in the preface that this is...

Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation

This book is Vol. 81 of a series - Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - of which there are three current volumes: Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis, Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders, and Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation. A fourth volume on Vestibular Disorders is imminent....

Cochlear implantation following radiotherapy treatment of vestibular schwannomas

The authors presented a case report and systematic review assessing the outcomes of patients from cochlear implantation (CI) following radiotherapy treatment for vestibular schwannoma (VS). Outcomes of cochlear implantation in these patients are uncertain due to the combination of both...

Hearing rehabilitation after vestibular schwannoma surgery

Hearing rehabilitation is a key focus of the management of patients with vestibular schwannoma. But how do we rehabilitate hearing when the cochlear nerve has been damaged by tumour, irradiation, or resective surgery? Mathieu Trudel, Scott Rutherford and Simon Lloyd...

Paediatric auditory brainstem implant: overview and outcomes

Auditory brainstem implants were first used in adults with NF2. They have more recently become a technology option for children but what is the evidence to support this choice? This article discusses the evidence so far. Auditory brainstem implant is...

Hearing about genes

I have been fortunate in my career to travel as an invited lecturer at many hospitals, universities and professional societies around the world. I have spoken to audiology societies, otolaryngology societies, and university communication disorders programmes in Europe, Asia, Africa,...
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