You searched for "ESPO 2025"

7 results found

Andreas Wagner: ESPO 2025 keynote speaker

The keynote speaker for ESPO 2025 in Stuttgart is renowned evolutionary biologist and author Professor Andreas Wagner, from Zurich. Prof Wagner will focus on the congress theme of ‘Innovation’, giving us his unique perspective on how evolution drives human creativity....

Andreas Wagner: ESPO 2025 keynote speaker

The keynote speaker for ESPO 2025 in Stuttgart is renowned evolutionary biologist and author Professor Andreas Wagner, from Zurich. Prof Wagner will focus on the congress theme of ‘Innovation’, giving us his unique perspective on how evolution drives human creativity....

ESPO 2025

ESPO 2025: 17th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyESPO 2025 in Stuttgart promises to be an exciting get-together. Every aspect of paediatric ORL will be covered in what has become the largest global gathering in the subspecialty. Looking...

ESPO 2020

Professor Wytske Fokkens and Professor Valerie Lund on behalf of the EPOS2020 steering group [1] EPOS2020 steering group at final meeting in Leiden, November 2019. In February this year, EPOS2020 was published as a supplement in Rhinology [1], the latest...

Empty Nose Syndrome: Evidence Based Proposals for Inferior Turbinate Management

To cut or not to cut, that is the question… The authors of Empty Nose Syndrome emphatically implore the reader to spare the inferior turbinate, lest they cause patients this undue misery! This book is a thought-provoking journey through the...

Olfaction in CRS

Conventional teaching tells us that hyposmia in chronic rhinosinusitis is due to mechanical obstruction of the olfactory cleft. But it might be that the story is slightly more complicated than that. Olfactory dysfunction is a common feature of chronic rhinosinusitis...

Endotypes in chronic rhinosinusitis: clinical relevance

Identifying endotypes enables personalised therapies that target specific pathophysiological processes, potentially resulting in better treatment outcomes for patients. The contemporary model of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) pathogenesis revolving around endotype, in combination with an expanding toolbox of diagnostics and therapeutics, enables...