You searched for "DST"

109 results found

Hyperacusis and Disorders of Sound Intolerance: Clinical and Research Perspectives

Hyperacusis and other forms of decreased sound tolerance (DST) is an area that many ENT/audiological colleagues would deem as ‘woolly’. This is due to a lack of understanding behind the mechanism of the symptoms, a lack of evidence-based assessment tools...

Decreased sound tolerance in autism: understanding and distinguishing between hyperacusis, misophonia, and phonophobia

Decreased sound tolerance (DST) affects a significant proportion of autistic people throughout their lifetime and, as Zachary J Williams explains, it is important that clinicians are aware of the three distinct subtypes of DST when making a diagnosis. Autism spectrum...

Hyperacusis and autism spectrum disorder

Several different auditory deficits have been found to be co-morbidities of ASD. This article reviews literature with respect to the relationship between hyperacusis and ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be characterised as a neurodevelopmental condition that is marked by...

Assessing post-extubation dysphagia on the intensive care unit

The incidence of post-extubation dysphagia (PED) is reported to be about 12% in the general ICU population and around 18% in patients admitted to ICU as emergencies. PED was found to be an independent predictor of 28-day and 90-day mortality....

Multidisciplinary approach to managing individuals with trisomy 21

Michelle Chung and Narad Mathura outline the Down syndrome one-stop clinic; a multidisciplinary clinic introduced at the Children & Young Persons Audiology Centre (CYPAC) at Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust for children and young people with Down syndrome....

DVT prophylaxis in cranial procedures

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a result of disturbed balances in blood flow patterns, blood clotting factors promoting coagulation and vessel wall endothelial injury. The subsequent disruption of coagulation and fibrinolysis mechanisms lead to venous clot formation and propagation. The...

Interacoustics adds new functionality to their VisualEyes™ VNG system

Interacoustics is pleased to announce an update to their popular VisualEyes™ VNG system which adds many new features to the existing protocols and exciting new functionality

Audiology in this issue...Autism

Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: alex.griffiths-brown@nhs.netTwitter: @griffithsbrown1 As audiology professionals, we will work with a wide variety of patients with different priorities, life experiences and challenges. Patients with autism spectrum...

Sublingual house dust mite immunotherapy

House dust mite immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis was shown to be effective in trials with a relatively small number of participants. The authors of this study performed a multicentre double-blind randomised controlled trial to investigate effects of house dust mite...

Should intratympanic steroids be the first line treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss?

This article looked at whether intratympanic steroids (ITS) provide more benefits over systemic steroid therapy (SST) as initial therapy in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL). This meta-analysis study, based on published RCTs, concluded that ITS treatment exhibited...

Hearing screening during childhood using speech and sounds in noise

Although there is high prevalence of late-onset, progressive, and acquired hearing losses during childhood, these hearing losses can easily go undetected due to the lack of systematic hearing screening beyond newborn hearing screening. In this article, the authors share the...

Conductive hearing loss and temporal processing

This Turkish study looked at the effect of using hearing aids on auditory temporal processing (the ability of the hearing system to process the temporal properties of a sound stimulus in a certain period of time) in conductive hearing loss....