You searched for "medication"

2677 results found

Speculating on saliva during endoscopy

It has been noted that the presence of saliva in the pharynx and larynx during flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) can be an indicator of increased risk of aspiration and consequent pneumonia, as well as weight loss and malnutrition....

ENT Masterclass® Bahrain

Report by: Dr Hiba Alreefy, Consultant ENT Surgeon, King Hamad University Hospital, Bahrain The pearl of the Arabian Gulf, Bahrain, hosted the ENT Masterclass® on Feb 14 2019 at The King Hamad University Hospital at the King Hamad University Hospital...

Importance of nasal septal cartilage perichondrium for septum strength mechanics: a cadaveric study

This experimental cadaver study aimed to investigate the biomechanical qualities of the perichondrium and cartilage, and to determine the strength of the septal cartilage against bending forces. The nasal septal cartilages of 14 fresh cadavers (eight hours post-mortem) without nasal...

Effects on the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus after a Le Fort I osteotomy

This paper from Turkey divided 28 patients into three groups: those having a maxillary advancement osteotomy, those with a maxillary advancement and impaction, and those that underwent advancement with a yaw rotation. They found that pure advancement movement of the...

The association of frontal recess anatomy and mucosal disease on the presence of chronic frontal sinusitis: a computed tomographic analysis

Ostial obstruction is a primary pathophysiological mechanism contributing to sinusitis, which can be caused by anatomical variations, mucosal inflammation or both. This retrospective case series aimed to identify anatomical factors and inflammatory areas relating to chronic frontal sinusitis on nasal...

Association of sinonasal symptoms with ear disease

The study explores the possible association of sinonasal symptoms with ear disease. The subjects were patients with ear problems which were categorised as group A – patients with external ear problems (15%), group B1 – patients with middle ear mucosal...

Training in the use of medical devices
– how should it be done?

Adequate training in novel medical devices is imperative, not only to ensure patient safety, but also to give clinicians the confidence to use the device in question. In this article, Andrea Gillies explains the philosophy of one of the equipment...

The Hearing Sciences – Third Edition

The Hearing Sciences – Third Edition is primarily aimed at undergraduate students on courses relevant to hearing sciences. Indeed, the content supports much of the scientific content delivered within UK-based audiology degree courses. The book is ordered in to four...

Opening ceremonies – a necessary evil?

This series of stories is dedicated to those of you with whom some of these moments were shared (or endured) and, above all, to my amazing and long-suffering husband, David Howard. Most of you know him as an exceptional head...

Surgeon, Heal Thyself

Once a taboo topic, stress and psychological illness in doctors is now much more widely discussed. This is probably partly due to changing societal attitudes (with more acceptance of the importance of acknowledging mental illness) and changes amongst medics themselves,...

The future of rhinology: What will come first, a radical change in rhinological management or the decimation of the world?

In this article, Simon Gane looks forward to what the future holds, on the presumption he survives. Setting aside the questions of the UK even existing, the NHS still working, or the fact we’ll be commuting to our jobs in...

General overview of endoscopic ear surgery: advantages and principles

The philosophy of endoscopic ear surgery presents surgeons with a tricky concept – does the magnificent view make up for the fact I need to operate with one hand? In this article, Jane Lea discusses the advantages of operating transcanal...