You searched for "ears"

2014 results found

Perfect fit Innovia Medical® ventilation tubes

With 20 sizes and shapes, including single and multiple flanges and colours, the Summit ENT® Ventilation Tubes will meet most myringotomy & tympanoplasty needs.

In conversation with Rosaleen Shine

Rosaleen Shine is synonymous with ENT and Audiology News. She was a key member of the team that founded what was then ENT News 25 years ago, and is well known to ORL and audiology colleagues all over the globe....

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Dr Jerry Northern

Gareth Smith chats with Dr Jerry Northern and learns about his fascination with Mount Everest, the legendary Marion Downs and his unique career in audiology… Jerry with the legendary Marion Downs. Tell us about your background, how did you come...

MedAudPro: a united front for audiology

For the past three years, the Network of Medical Audiology Professionals has been bringing together ENT providers in the USA. Co-founder and President, Patricia Ramos talks about her ambitions for the organisation.

The ORL App: I challenge you to duel!

'Every day is a school day’ – an age-old saying that is as much a proverb as it is an instruction for allied health professionals. These days, it is hard to keep up with any sort of news - whether...

Audiology and speech language pathology programmes in India: an overview of education and career opportunities

This article is provided by Lalsa Shilpa Perepa, a Clinical Audiologist who started her audiology career in India. Audiology and speech language pathology (ASLP) courses in India are offered by various colleges and institutes that are affiliated with different universities...

Platinum-based chemotherapy, tinnitus and hearing loss

Fortunately, the five-year survival rate of adult cancers is increasing. However, we are seeing for the first time the lasting effects of cancer treatments on people. As more people live with the long-term effects of treatment, such as chemotherapy, it is imperative to understand the impact it has on quality of life.

The importance of s-ABR in auditory disorders

S-ABR is a method of recording speech-evoked-potentials, but where does it fit in the clinical and research test battery? Here, the authors examine the opportunities for s-ABR. The integrity of the neural transmission of acoustic stimuli is evaluated by auditory...

A legendary ‘parotid adenoma’: teaching aid or trophy? & The stapes: a classical heresy

A legendary ‘parotid adenoma’: teaching aid or trophy? A wander through the glass cases of the newly refurbished Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons in London presents a particularly impressive sight to any ENT surgeon. The salivary adenoma...

7th Scottish International Head and Neck Conference

Amy Campbell, ST5 Otorhinolaryngology at Ninewells Hospital in DundeeThis year’s Scottish International Head and Neck Conference was an example of a truly successful hybrid course. It was hosted by the conference chair, Jai Manick, and co-organiser Omar Hilmi, and in...

New RSM presidents preview the year ahead

Professor Patrick Axon, President of the UK’s Royal Society of Medicine Otology Section and Michelle Wyatt, incoming President of the section of Laryngology and Rhinology, look forward to the year ahead.

36th World Congress of Audiology 2024

Ebru Zeren, Audiologist, Mid and South Essex University Hospitals GroupWhat a fast paced, thoroughly informative four days we had in Paris! This amazing event gathered professionals from across the globe, from Australia to Africa and from America to Europe, to...