You searched for "Cognition"

2016 results found

Embracing the changes prompted by lockdown

March 2020 introduced the concept of lockdown to audiology services in the NHS, prompting a rethink of how to best provide hearing care. In this issue, we hear from Hanna Jeffery, a Clinical Scientist working at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital...

Young ESPO – looking back and looking ahead

In 2018, after the virtual ESPO Marseille meeting, a new committee of ESPO Juniors was established. Last year, the name was changed to Young ESPO.

Using telehealth to engage teenagers

Can we use a teenager’s love of gadgets to re-engage them with their hearing technology? Gwen Carr reports on an innovative use of telehealth to support teenagers who are no longer visiting their hearing healthcare professionals. Parents of children and...

Aetiology, investigation and acute management of sudden sensorineural hearing loss

The cause of a single sided sensorineural hearing loss has a wide variety of aetiologies. This review, by Edwin Halliday, looks specifically at the differential diagnostic causes of a sudden sensorineural hearing loss, the relevant investigations and the management should...

MDT assessment of children and adults with implantable acoustic devices (IADs)

Abi Asher, Clinical Lead for the IAD programme in Cambridge describes how hearing care professionals work together to make the best recommendation for the patient, in turn helping navigate through the various devices now on offer. Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are...

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome

In this article, Hannah North and Simon Lloyd give us an overview of the complex condition of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) syndrome, including diagnosis, treatment and management. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is a bony defect of the otic...

A place for everything and everything in its place: the practicalities of randomised clinical trials

Will this pill cure tinnitus? Bonnie Millar describes one trial that has investigated the possibility whilst describing the path of drug trials in the UK. Background In the last quarter of 2014, a clinical trial (QUIET-1; Identifier: NCT02315508) commenced...

Making healthcare conferences green

Who knew our healthcare conference industry contributed so much to global carbon emissions? This article summarises means to reduce the impact such that we can continue to meet with our peers for educational meetings and networking, but in a sustainable...

Emergency-safe ENT — Simulation-based course

Report By: Christopher Williams, 5th Year Medical Student, University of Cambridge On 2 March 2019, 30 medical students and foundation doctors gathered at the Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital for a non-profit ENT emergencies course offering a combination of short...

In conversation with Professor Paul J Donald

Prof Paul J Donald has recently stepped down as Chairman of the ORL-HN Department at UC Davis in Sacramento and is winding down to retirement. In this interview with Prof Pat Bradley, Prof Donald explains some of the highlights of...

Preventing avoidable deafness and death from ear disease in Ethiopia

In the July/August edition of the magazine, we featured an article on humanitarian work in Ethiopia, focusing on head and neck surgery. Continuing this theme, Misha Verkerk tells us about an international collaboration providing otology care and training in that...

The workplace environment and doctors’ health (ENT)

It is well established that doctors have higher levels of stress, depression and suicide than the general population [1] and most other professional groups (Figure 1 illustrates the factors that can make us ill). In addition they have high levels...