You searched for "Cognition"

2016 results found

Contralateral OAEs in children

Several studies indicate that small changes in the medial olivocochlear (MOC) reflex may possibly be associated with certain pathologies. This could be measured by using contralateral acoustic stimulation (CAS) and observing suppression in otoacoustic emissions (OEAs). The main aim of...

Pulse synchronous tinnitus

This article reviews the most common neurosurgical causes of pulse synchronous tinnitus. Traditionally, tinnitus has been characterised as subjective vs. objective, or vascular vs. nonvascular. The authors observe that, in some cases, pulsatile tinnitus (PT) is not heard by examiners...

Assessment of audiological needs

A thorough assessment of audiological needs is crucial for a successful audiological rehabilitation. This study concentrated on creating the Québec Audiological Assessment Protocol for Younger and Older Adults (QAAP-YOA) that could be easily adopted in audiological clinics. The authors used...

Quick and valid: a new measure of aphasia

Aphasia can be caused by a stroke, brain injury or dementia. It is defined as a language disorder that impacts the domains of speaking, understanding, reading and writing. Given the impact on quality of life and conversation, there is a...

Herpes zoster and SSNHL

Some studies suggest that viral infections may increase the risk of a sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). The described longitudinal study explored whether herpes zoster may be a factor that increases the risk of SSNHL. Medical history in reference to...

Genetic testing in congenital hearing loss

Advances in genetic testing over the last decade have reduced the cost and time such testing required and increased understanding of the genes involved in conditions like congenital hearing loss. This study from Atlanta looks at genetic testing from a...

‘Pen’doscope - writing in a reduction in healthcare delivery costs

Optimal management of cleft lip and palate requires a multidisciplinary team approach to treatment, with the goal being maintenance of facial growth and improvement in speech and hearing, in addition to closure of the cleft. This can be especially challenging...

Single surgery for repair of tegmen defects and superior semicircular canal dehiscence

This retrospective review of 34 patients undergoing repair of the temporal bone defect via the middle cranial fossa approach provides the author’s management strategy for two problems: superior semicircular canal dehiscence and tegmen defects. The incidence of both these pathologies...

Head, Neck and Thyroid Surgery: An introduction and practical guide

This is an outstanding practical guide to head, neck, thyroid and parathyroid surgery for the trainee starting in the head and neck rotations but also preparing for board college exams such as the MRCS, FRCS or the EBEORL. The authors...

Dacryocystorhinostomy revisited

In this technical variant, instead of seeking the lacrimal sac, the authors describe a retrograde technique. They first identify the nasolacrimal duct at the level of the most anterior insertion of the inferior turbinate in the lateral nasal wall. The...

Instrument assessment preferable over standard beside swallow to determine prevalence of aspiration

Aspiration does not trigger the protective cough response in some patients. The patient’s response may vary according to fluid viscosities and volume. The authors of this prospective study investigated the prevalence of aspiration and response to aspiration of different viscosities...

MICRONOMIC® III Good things do come in small packages!

Entermed’s budget-friendly Micronomic III is a compact workstation designed to accommodate every ENT surgeons’ basic requirements in tight conditions.