You searched for "transnasal"

429 results found

Robotic surgery for squamous cell cancer: the new frontiers

Although the da Vinci platform was FDA approved for early-stage oropharyngeal cancers, the indications have expanded. In this article, John Hardman explains how surgeons, with greater understanding of the strengths and limitations of robotic surgery, have systematically set out to...

Intranasal steroids in COVID-19

COVID-19 in patients with allergic conditions does not seem to take more severe course. The Global Initiative for Asthma recommended that asthmatic patients who are on prescribed inhaled or oral steroids should continue to take them. Contradictions between guidelines in...

Combined sprays for allergic rhinitis maintenance

This meta-analysis looked at the reported efficacy for allergic rhinitis control of various topical sprays, particularly comparative studies. There were fewer ‘head to head’ studies than we would have hoped to exist. This review included intranasal anti-histamines, intranasal steroids and...

Nasal packing after septoplasty

This Turkish study aimed to investigate the effects of different types of nasal packings on middle ear pressure in patients undergoing septoplasty. The authors reference several articles that describe eustachian tube dysfunction, temporary ear fullness and mild pain due to...

Not so innocent, after all: a meta-analysis of the effects of intranasal corticosteroids on growth

The use of intranasal corticosteroids has revolutionised the management of allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis and there is now significant evidence of their safety. The problem with side-effects is that clinical studies are designed to demonstrate efficacy, but are underpowered to...

Septal perforation healing

This Turkish animal-based study looked at the healing properties of Hypericum Oleum (HO, or St John’s wort) and Triticum vulgare (TV, or wheat germ oil) on nasal septal perforations in rats. Both HO and TV have wound healing properties and...

Supplementing intranasal cortical steroids with montelukast: does it help?

Intranasal steroids are widely used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Whether or not the addition of montelukast helps was assessed in this study. This was a single centre prospective randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of two groups of patients, one...

An overview of human factors in ENT and anaesthesia

James Bates and Chris Frerk are both passionate about how human factors science can improve safety in healthcare and have co-authored this article describing how communication, ergonomics and other non-technical skills are making operating theatres safer. There is no doubt...

Taking life by the throat

Patients suffering with problems with their voice, airway and/or swallowing can find their symptoms immensely distressing, and their care places a huge burden on healthcare systems. We hear from a world-leading laryngologist on current and future directions. Field of interest...

Endoscopic DCR

In this interesting article, our experienced colleagues describe their favoured technique for performing endoscopic DCR and share with us the key steps for a successful outcome. Dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) was historically performed by ophthalmologists for nasolacrimal obstruction using external techniques. The...

The use of THRIVE in laryngology and phonosurgery

The team in Lewisham has been using THRIVE for our phonosurgical cases for about a year. Here, we discuss the pros, cons and potential pitfalls of setting up and using THRIVE as ventilation during anaesthesia rather than using an ML...

Frederik Dikkers: championing change in laryngology

Prof Dikkers shares the details of his journey into ENT surgery, his dedication to treating laryngeal papillomatosis, and his pioneering advancements in button battery safety. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is one of the most frustrating conditions managed by laryngologists. There...