You searched for "microscopic"

601 results found

Valsalva manoeuvre treatment of otitis media with effusion in adults

Otitis media with effusion (OME) is common in children but has a low prevalence in adults. There is some evidence to advocate middle ear inflation as a successful treatment for children with OME. This form of treatment is also recommended...

What do animal models tell us about tinnitus and hyperacusis?

Do animals have tinnitus? The obvious question to ask is: do animals have tinnitus? It is known that tinnitus is a conscious percept and as such affected by attention and not audible during sleep. For it to be demonstrated that...

Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of refractory chronic rhinosinusitis

Staphylococcus aureus has long been linked to chronic rhinosinusitis, particularly recalcitrant cases. In this article, Alkis Psaltis describes how newer techniques have shown higher rates of S. aureus infection than were previously thought, and explains how the bacteria are able...

The role of objective measures and imaging to optimise cochlear implant outcomes

Should we be using new or novel objective measures and imaging to assist with our cochlear implant patients? Debi Vickers and Shak Saeed describe current clinical techniques and present advances that have the potential to optimise outcomes. Introduction It is...

3D endoscopy in pituitary adenoma surgery

Endoscopic approach for pituitary adenoma surgery is well recognised. There has been recent refinement of 3D endoscopy technology which improves on the depth of vision offered and more compact delivery. This may improve visualisation of the critical structures involved in...

Malignant lesions and reconstruction of the pinna

External ear reconstruction can be challenging. Baskaran Ranganathan and Amr Abdelhamid describe how careful assessment, planning and surgery following the subunit principles and reconstructive ladder will ultimately lead to good aesthetic outcomes with restored form and function. The external ear,...

Developing principles of swallow rehabilitation using novel animal modelling

Never let it be said that we don’t cover a wide range of topics. Camilla Dawson tells us about the crossover between swallowing in seals and in humans. Rehabilitation of swallow is complex, informed by anatomical and physiological systems and...

The evolution and advancements in radiological imaging of the sinuses

Computed tomography (CT) imaging is crucial in the planning of any endoscopic sinus operation; we hear from one of the pioneers of CT scanning who worked with Stammberger and Messerklinger in developing many of the technologies that we now take...

The ENT operating theatre viewed down the retrospectoscope

We learn much of our future by looking at our past; Douglas MacMillan provides us with a fascinating glimpse into his years as a junior doctor. The operating theatre was a somewhat alien environment in the late 1960s: theatre sisters...

Sir Terence Edward Cawthorne (1902-1970): first Chairman of the BACO Academic Committee

Sir Terence Cawthorne was the chairman of the academic committee of the first BACO in 1963, and was Master of the second BACO in 1967. In this article, Neil Weir describes the life and career of one of the UK’s...

Bill Gibson: Pioneering Bionic Ear Surgeon

Professor Bill Gibson is one of the great pioneers of inner ear surgery and the recent publication of his biography is a reflection of his remarkable life and career. Bill Gibson: Pioneering Bionic Ear Surgeon will be enjoyed by everyone...

Quo vadis FESS? Future directions in functional endoscopic sinus surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery is now so ubiquitous that it is hard to imagine a time when it was not part of our clinical practice. Valentin Tomazic takes a look at its early development and looks ahead to endoscopic sinus surgery...