You searched for "laryngologist"

1398 results found

Epistaxis and anticoagulants

The French Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck surgery issued some recommendations on the management of epistaxis in patients receiving anticoagulants, anti-platelet aggregants and anti-vitamin K drugs. This was a national multidisciplinary evidence-based concensus document. The group recommends review of...

Sentinel nodes and UADT tumours

This is the review of a multicentre study to set practical guidelines for sentinel node techniques (SLN) in upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) squamous cell carcinomas including classical and extended indications. SLN biopsies are strictly indicated in patients with clinically and...

Age and the SSCC

This is a radioanatomical study on the CT scans of 385 temporal bones to measure some parameters of the superior semicircular canals (SCCC) including bony thickness, diameter and projection into the middle cranial fossa. All measurements were performed on a...

Reza Band<sup>®</sup> UES Assist Device

Members of the ENT and Audiology News team spoke to Rose Henrichs, Solutiones Vobis and Nick Maris, CEO and President of Somna Therapeutics about the Reza Band device. Nick Maris. Rose Henrichs. What is your involvement in Reza Band? And...

Voice outcomes following extended laser resections for laryngeal cancer

It is now widely accepted that the oncological and voice outcomes following transoral laser microsurgery for early T1a glottic cancers are equivalent to, if not superior to, traditional radiotherapy. Voice outcomes following more extensive resections have not been as frequently...

Themistocles Gluck – the true father of laryngectomy

Most head and neck surgeons and ENT-specialists may know that the first laryngectomy for cancer was performed by Billroth on 31 December 1873. Billroth´s assistant, Vincenz Czerny, had outlined the operation in experimental surgery on dogs in 1870. Three years...

ESPO 2023: keynote speakers

Delegates gathering in Liverpool, UK, for the 16th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ESPO) will hear presentations from several leading names.

Joining forces to improve laryngopharyngeal reflux diagnosis

BIOHIT HealthCare is pleased to extend its corporate partnership with the British Laryngological Association (BLA) for a second year running, supporting its pursuit of improved diagnosis for laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).

Hyaluronic acid injection laryngoplasty

This systematic review discusses the use of hyaluronic acid in injection laryngoplasties. Unilateral vocal cord paralysis leads to incomplete vocal fold adduction and dysphonia. For patients not improving with voice therapy, surgical procedures include injection laryngoplasty or open laryngeal framework...

The role, aims and organisation of the 2017 IFOS World Congress

IFOS is a truly international organisation – indeed, its rules state that the Executive Committee must have representation from every continent. IFOS President, Chong Sun Kim, tells us more. Dear friends and colleagues, I am very pleased to welcome all...

Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss

Robert Dobie is a highly experienced and respected international authority in the field of medical-legal assessment in the context of noise induced hearing loss. This book has been written for a broad audience, including otolaryngologists, audiologists and members of the...

Diagnosing complications of acute mastoiditis in emergency situations

In many cases, acute mastoiditis is manageable with intravenous antibiotics and hospitalised care. However, the decision whether to intervene surgically remains crucial and reliance is based on radiological findings – CT scans for bony changes and MRI for possible intra-cerebral...