You searched for "intracranial"

200 results found

Facial pain: the differential diagnosis in an ENT clinic

The patient presenting with facial pain can be a heartsink. Fear not – Bhaskar Ram and Sangeeta Maini are here with a succinct overview of the common non-sinogenic causes of facial pain and headache, and how to manage them. Facial...

Poor allergic rhinitis control increases the overall costs

Allergic rhinitis and asthma are common and can have significant effects on quality of life. However, not many studies have focused on the economic effects. The authors of this study performed a large-scale (over 60,000 patients) observational study to analyse...

What is Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE)?

THRIVE is a physiological mechanism for oxygenating and ventilating patients who are under general anaesthesia and who have diminished or absent respiratory effort [1]. Classical ventilation requires bulk flow of gases into and out of the lungs driven by chest...

New ventilation technique FCV: improvement for patient, anaesthetist/intensivist and surgeon

Per-oral surgical access to the larynx can be hampered by the presence of an endotracheal tube. Various systems have been developed for tubeless ventilation, but these all carry a risk of aerosolisation of secretions with obvious inherent risks. We hear...

Vascular vertigo and dizziness: diagnostic criteria

This diagnostic criteria is one of the latest produced by The Bárány Society. It is a useful addition to previous ones for vestibular disorders. Vascular vertigo/dizziness by definition is caused by stroke, transient ischaemic attack (TIA), isolated labyrinthine infarction/haemorrhage and...

Some guidelines for treating rhinological patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

This is a very interesting and informative multinational European guide to the treatment of rhinology patients during the current pandemic, describing the safe delivery of a rhinological service to patients. Much of this has become well understood and standard practice...

OBITUARY: Professor Heinz Stammberger (1946-2018)

We, at ENT & Audiology News, have just learned of the death of Professor Heinz Stammberger on 9 December. Within the global ENT community, there can be few people whose names are as well-known as his, and his loss will...

Peripheral nerve stimulation for chronic refractory pain

Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) plays an important role in treating chronic refractory pain syndromes that manifest in limited distributions and overlap with areas of neurologic innervation. The process is generally thought to capitalise on the inhibition and activation of pain-related...

Demystifying laryngology in the era of examination and collaboration

In the field of laryngology, perhaps more than in any other area of ENT, there has been a philosophical shift (as well as a technological one) in the approach of clinicians caring for patients. Albert Merati explains. Progress in laryngology...

NSC- HHT – a systematic review of intranasal Bevacizumab

This systematic review of 13 studies concerning the use of an anti-angiogenic nasal treatment in the management of epistaxis in HHT patients finds no significant effect. This paper looked at four RCTs, three prospective studies, three retrospective, one case series...

Advances in diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis

This article reviews advances in the diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis. Recent advances in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis include testing of local immunoglobulin E (IgE), urinary test to diagnose aspirin hypersensitivity and optical rhinometry to assess degree of...

Medical racism and the surgical ‘correction’ of the nose in Brazil

Anthropologist Professor Carmen Alvaro Jarrín has conducted extensive research into plastic surgery practice in Brazil. Here, she explains why social and cultural ideas about race may shape rhinoplasty objectives for patients and surgeons in the country. Health professionals worldwide are...