You searched for "Cognition"

2016 results found

Academic BACO 2015

Putting together the academic programme for BACO is a monumental task. Academic Chairman Shakeel Saeed and Peter Andrews, the Academic Secretary of the conference, tell us how to make it a success. Conference season is nearly upon us, and Liverpool...

Improving cochlear-implant performance in the short- and medium-term

Can bespoke cochlear implant programming strategies reduce the variability seen in patient performance with an implant? Bob Carlyon reviews the current situation and gives us a glimpse of the future. Although many cochlear implant (CI) patients understand speech well in...

Machine learning and the future of otolaryngology

If you are over 30 years of age, you have witnessed a technology revolution that has grossly affected how we live: computers have come from being an oddity to an everyday feature in our households and places of work; the...

Evidence based practice in paediatric audiology

Audiology, like most of the health sciences professions, has been working on integrating evidence-based practice principles since the mid-1990s [1]. Professional organisations and regulatory colleges have produced evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, disseminated them to audiologists and collaborated with practitioners to...

OTC hearing aids: where are we now?

The ‘Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act’ of 2017 set in motion plans for a long-debated shift in the hearing care market. In 2021, the FDA released draft guidance which will allow hearing aids in the US to be sold direct to...

Tone deafness and perfect pitch

If you think you are tone deaf, do not despair. Singing tuition should help but it is probably too late to hope to develop perfect pitch. Consultant otolaryngologist and keen musician, Chris Aldren, discusses the complex and fascinating subject of...

AOT Conference 2024

Shared Knowledge, Built Community Anita Sedghi FY1, Northwick Park Hospital, London Northwest NHS Trust The AOT Conference this year focused on a diverse range of presentations, catering to trainees at all levels. The program started with a thought-provoking talk by...

Neuromod establishes US subsidiary and appoints Eric Timm as US Chief Executive Officer

Neuromod Devices Ltd, the Irish medical device company which specialises in neuromodulation technologies, has announced the establishment of Neuromod USA Inc., a subsidiary headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois.

Middle ear muscle disorders: presentation, diagnosis and management

Patients often report symptoms relating to disorders of the middle ear muscles. Prof Bance gives us an overview of the anatomy and function, as well as guides our diagnosis and management. The middle ear muscles (MEMs) are a mystery, both...

Insight into an Indian-trained ENT specialist working in the UK

With international fellowships becoming more commonplace for gaining subspecialty experience, the authors describe the pros and cons of a UK fellowship and summarise the differences they have noticed in training and clinical practice between India and the UK. Otorhinolaryngology, or...

Making sense of modern wireless hearing aid technologies

Before diving into the topic of the technology behind wireless hearing aids, it is important to define two key concepts. The first is wireless frequency. This is the frequency at which a wireless signal is transmitted. In the context of...

The UK otolaryngology trainees’ lived experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

Much has been published on the concerns and real impact of the pandemic on surgical training. In this article, colleagues from the Association of Otorhinolaryngologists in Training (AOT) in the UK share the experiences of their membership. We invite our...