You searched for "consulting"

1887 results found

A funny thing happened on the way to a conference – and other stories

This series of stories is dedicated to those of you with whom some of these moments were shared (or endured) and, above all, to my amazing and long-suffering husband, David Howard. Most of you know him as an exceptional head...

What happens to donated hearing aids?

According to the WHO, only 3% of people in developing countries who require hearing aids have one. Over the years many people, organisations and companies have donated old hearing aids to charities. Bhavisha Parmar, an audiologist who volunteered with Sound...

Ida Institute closing down

In a significant shift for the field of hearing care, Demant has announced the closure of the Ida Institute. On 8 October, the Denmark-based hearing healthcare giant has confirmed that future developments in person-centred care will be led directly by...

Better or barrier: what do healthcare professionals think about teletherapy?

Most healthcare professionals will have had to dabble in using some kind of telehealth platform over the last 18 months or so. And most of us will have had some reservations, or have colleagues who just weren’t sure about Zoom,...

Reducing nasal changes in SARPE

This paper from Belgium highlights completing a sub-spinal cortectomy of the anterior nasal spine during the procedure of surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) as a means of reducing the alar and columella width as well as the nasolabial angle....

Rhinosinusitis in secondary school children - Part 2: main project analysis of MSNOT-20 Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ)

Rhinosinusitis in secondary school children - Part 2: main project analysis of MSNOT-20 Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ) This study used the modified SNOT-20 in Young Persons Questionnaire (MSYPQ) to evaluate the prevalence and effects of rhinosinusitis in adolescent children (aged...

Audiology Services in Diverse Communities: A Tool to Help Clinicians Working With Spanish-Speaking Patients and Families

As a bilingual audiologist (Spanish-English), I have found this book to be a bridge between the two languages in the audiological world. It is a resourceful niched book that enables the practising audiologist dealing with Spanish-speaking adult and paediatric patients...

CRS vs. migraine: which is the culprit in most headaches?

‘Sinus headache’ is a common diagnosis according to patients and primary care physicians, but relatively infrequent in the eyes of otolaryngologists. This study examines 104 patients with a primary headache syndrome (PHS) and 130 patients with CRS, looking at SNOT-22...

Algorithm for malignant otitis externa

Timely detection and effective management of this potentially fatal condition cannot be overemphasised. This study presents 16 cases over 12 months in a tertiary referral centre. Most patients had diabetes and others were immunocompromised due to radiotherapy, immunosuppressive medication or...

Peer-support group for people with a hearing loss

Peer-support groups’ (PSGs) involvement in rehabilitation of people with different health issues can have a very positive impact on the patients’ wellbeing as showed in a various literature on the subject. This study involves analysis of data from previous studies...

Philosophy and reality of entrepreneurship

Before you take the time to read this article, be informed that it is indeed hard to be an entrepreneur. It warrants passion, sacrifice, total commitment and willingness to spend day and night (even in your sleep) thinking and working...


Held from June 15 to 19 at the Dublin Convention Centre, this was an unmissable event for ENT surgeons and allied health professionals across the world. Hosted by Professor John Russell, the President of the Confederation, the event brought together...