You searched for "stutter"

1515 results found

Hearing Care, cognitive decline and dementia: A public health challenge, or an opportunity for healthy ageing?

Brian Lamb, OBE and Sue Archbold PhD, Hon LLD A new document from The Ear Foundation, launched at European Association of Cochlear Implant Users (EURO-CIU) annual general meeting in Poland, reviews the latest evidence on the association between hearing loss,...

German Society Annual Congress DGHNO-KHC 2024

The 95th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNO-KHC) was a great success under the forward-looking motto ‘Crossing Borders’

59th Inner Ear Biology Workshop (IEB 2024) and 7th International Conference on Hyperacusis and Misophonia (ICHM7)

This September, two scientific meetings were held together in Warsaw, Poland: the 59th Inner Ear Biology Workshop and the 7th International Conference on Hyperacusis and Misophonia.

Commentary: dementia, hearing loss, and the danger of professional rabbit holes

The Lancet, a world-leading general medical journal, has a global impact. Its commissioned report into dementia prevention, intervention and care has been cited over 6000 times and has further been reviewed and updated in 2020 and now 2024. Here, Profs...

Tinnitus: Clinical and Research Perspectives

This book encapsulates the many facets of tinnitus from its enigmatic neurophysiological underpinnings to its cognitive effects and treatment approaches. The editors’ multidisciplinary approach in recruiting field experts from a variety of clinical and research backgrounds provides the reader with...

Head and Neck Vascular Anomalies: A Practical Case-Based Approach

I was genuinely delighted when this book arrived for review. Usually I get something on vertigo which props up one end of the book case gathering dust. A quick skim through this instantly told me the section editor had blessed...

An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing

This is the sixth edition of Brian Moore’s introductory textbook to the field of psychoacoustics, which explores the links between the physical and perceptual properties of sound. The work has been revised throughout, with references to over 100 scientific papers...

Hearing Assistive and Access Technology

Authored by audiologists, the book primarily discusses a range of hearing assistive and access technologies (both old and new), and outlines how each device works, which scenarios it is best suited to, and its limitations. Divided into four sections, the...

Pediatric Amplification: Enhancing Auditory Access

The authors of Pediatric Amplification: Enhancing Auditory Access set out to provide a comprehensive resource for professionals who serve children who are hard of hearing and their families and caregivers, and they have delivered it. The book is easy to...

Prevention is Better than Cure: Learning from Adverse Events in Healthcare

Ian Leistikow has an impressive CV; as Senior Inspector at the Dutch Healthcare Inspectorate and a member of the Strategic Advisory Board of the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, it is clear he is passionate about advancing...

Possibility of noise induced hearing loss during middle ear suction for secretory otitis media

Emission of high intensity sound is dangerous to the cochlea and can result in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Removal of middle ear fluid is common in everyday practice and the possibility of inducing NIHL is seldom considered and not...

Application of paper patching in patulous eustachian tube

The condition of patulous eustachian tube, as opposed to dysfunctional eustachian tube, is less frequently diagnosed. Symptoms related to this, such as autophony, aural fullness, ‘being under water’, ‘hearing their own breathing’, and hearing sensitivity (varying in either direction) can...