You searched for "genetic"

1304 results found

ENT clinics – 50 years of progress…?

Cocaine in abundance, eustachian tube catheterisation, and the ever-present threat of a fire in the clinic… How have things changed in the last few decades? Retired ENT surgeon, Douglas MacMillan, tells us of his experiences starting out in the late...

TRIBUTE: Ugo Fisch

EAONO collected in tributes from colleagues of Ugo Fisch who passed away on 12th December 2019 at the age of 88.  

The multidisciplinary voice clinic

In his inimitable way, Nick Gibbins tells us why the voice clinic is the highlight of his week – and his very own field of dreams. The voice clinic has come a long way in the last 40 years. The...

How will our grandchildren view COVID-19?

Alan Johnson, known to our readers as the former President of ENT UK, gives us his thoughts on the COVID pandemic, looking at it through the lens of other health crises. As I write, COVID-19 is displacing almost all other...

Edith Whetnall’s contribution to ENT and audiology 1910-1965

Sue Archbold reviews the fascinating life of Edith Whetnall and traces her influence on audiology from the mid-20th century to today’s practices. It’s a pleasure to be asked to write about Edith Whetnall for this edition of ENT & Audiology...

OBITUARY: Prof Shanmugam Kameswaran (1923-2021)

Professor Shanmugam Kameswaran was born in 1923 and did his MBBS and MS at Madras Medical College, India, under PV Cherian who later became the Governor of Maharashtra, India. He worked as his assistant and left for the UK in...

Audiology Assistant Apprenticeship – employer and apprentice perspectives

To celebrate National Apprenticeship week in February 2021, Keiran Joseph interviewed Caroline Jackson, Principal Audiologist at Children and Young Peoples Audiology Centre St Thomas Hospital, and Audiology Assistant Apprentice, Rachael Allan, about the value of the apprenticeship scheme in their...

Teaching the art of cooking to a hearing impaired chef

Today catering is a hugely popular career choice for many people and there’s a new cookery competition or programme on our TV screens every week. But beyond the media glamour, the kitchen is a challenging and noisy working environment, in...

‘Want an upgrade?’ Moral distress in audiology

Ethical practice in audiology has become a hot topic in recent years, particularly in the independent sector where sales can be linked to commissions. Andrea Simpson has explored this issue in her research and shares her insight into the drivers...

Multidisciplinary approach to managing individuals with trisomy 21

Michelle Chung and Narad Mathura outline the Down syndrome one-stop clinic; a multidisciplinary clinic introduced at the Children & Young Persons Audiology Centre (CYPAC) at Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust for children and young people with Down syndrome....

Barriers to cochlear implantation in low resource settings

The benefits of early detection and rehabilitation of hearing loss in children, especially through cochlear implantation, are unequivocal. However, access to these valuable resources is far from equal and universal. Identifying the barriers is the first major step in addressing...

Listening differences in autistic individuals

In this article Erin Schafer, Lauren Mathews and Andrea Dunn outline the common auditory issues that autistic individuals face in comparison with their neurotypical peers and highlight the need to move beyond the traditional audiologic test battery when working with...