You searched for "child"

1854 results found

Puberty and rhinitis

While asthma and rhinitis are more common in boys compared to girls in childhood, whether this trend persists after puberty or not is not yet clear. Authors inspected the European Commission funded MeDALL (Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy) to...

Skull base imaging: a review

This excellent review paper describes the anatomy, imaging protocols and differentiating imaging findings on CT and MRI in myriad skull base lesions. Skull base protocol MRI and thin section CT are required to evaluate all skull base lesions. According to...

Multi-layered repair of lateral sphenoid CSF rhinorrhoea

This case series describes the author’s results with repairing lateral sphenoid encephalocoeles in seven patients. Alloderm inlay with abdominal fat onlay and nasoseptal flap onlay repair resulted in a 100% success rate with no recurrence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea,...

Tongue twisters to evaluate speech disorders

This interesting study compared errors in tongue twisters produced by adult patients with dysarthria with those produced by age-matched healthy controls. Audio recordings of all patients while they were vocalising tongue twisters were studied. The authors marked one word prominently...

Importance of face-to-face communication in clinical practice

Breakdowns in communication with patients who have difficulty in understanding, speaking or hearing may occur during a consultation. The authors of this paper studied the hearing-related breakdowns in communication especially amongst older adults with hearing impairment (HI) using conversational analysis...

Wearable sensors for assessment of vestibular disorders

This prospective preliminary study describes the use of commercially available wearable inertial sensors (Mobility LabTM) in assessing the functional ability of individuals with vestibular disorders. Traditionally the Romberg’s, Tandem Walking and Fukuda’s Stepping tests were used to clinically evaluate individuals...

Cough no more?

The challenge of the ‘unexplained chronic cough’ that just will not go away is a challenge that frustrates many of us. Often patients have seen respiratory, upper GI and eventually they see you as the last resort! Is behavioural therapy...

Microbiome changes after endoscopic sinus surgery: all is not what it seems

As we keep fighting a losing battle with bacteria and antibiotics, it becomes clear that it is not about killing bacteria, not even diminishing the bacterial load, but rather about shifting the different types of bacteria that colonise and live...

3D is the future?

This is an interesting take on yet another way to incorporate modern technology into medical practice, and the novel use of a 3D printer to create a custom-made prosthesis for large and irregular nasal septal perforations. These prostheses have the...

SpeechEasy® for stuttering

In this article, the authors describe their experiences with an altered auditory feedback (AAF) device: SpeechEasy® during a random clinical trial. AAF has been reported in other laboratory studies to reduce stuttering events without influencing the rate, intensity or frequency...

Improving the temporal contour in reconstruction

A feature of the temporalis flap is the sunken contour left behind. This group from Japan present a variation for filling defects for which we would traditionally use a temporalis muscle containing. The laterally based peri-cranial flap they present uses...

Role of the insula and orbitofrontal cortex in tinnitus related distress

It is estimated that 5% of the population suffer from chronic tinnitus with 17% of those suffering emotional distress. The authors attempted to study the neural correlates of tinnitus-related distress using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during an Emotional Stroop...