You searched for "osseointegration"

101 results found

The challenge of disrupting the hearing care market in the USA

Barry Freeman, an Audiology Consultant of extensive global experience, examines the business model of hearing care service delivery in America. He discusses the challenges the profession has faced, and proposes some food for thought on learning from other health care...

A person-centred approach to telehealth

“The time when telehealth was a remote, abstract concept has come to an end”. Deborah Ferrari and Lise Lotte Bundesen discuss how to advance person-centred care in hearing rehabilitation through online tools and training. The time when telehealth was a...

In conversation with Shelly Chadha 2019

Shelly Chadha works at the World Health Organisation as the Medical Officer for ear and hearing care. Here, Alex Griffiths-Brown interviews her to find out more about her career, challenges she’s faced and her ambitions for the future. Shelly Chadha....

New hearing healthcare service-delivery models with connected technologies

Connected hearing healthcare can improve access to affordable hearing healthcare. DeWet Swanepoel discuss how innovative trends in connectivity and technology offer opportunities for novel and decentralised models of delivering high-quality hearing healthcare. Megatrends in connectivity and technology have ushered in...

Mobile technologies to support global ear and hearing care

By combining mobile technology with artificial intelligence, more people can access ear and hearing care. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide, nearly half a billion people have moderate or worse hearing loss [1]. The vast majority of people...

Hearables: in-ear sensing devices for recording of physiological signals

Colver Ken Howe Ne, Jameel Muzaffar and Manohar Bance discuss the potential of hearable systems to monitor physiological signals (e.g. from brain or heart, blood pressure, body temperature) unobtrusively. Such adaptations require high-quality sensors and sophisticated de-noising signal processing on...

In conversation with Shelly Chadha 2019

Shelly Chadha works at the World Health Organisation as the Medical Officer for ear and hearing care. Here, Alex Griffiths-Brown interviews her to find out more about her career, challenges she’s faced and her ambitions for the future. Shelly Chadha....

Royal Society of Medicine – new presidents, new programme

Exciting changes are occurring at the ENT section of the Royal Society of Medicine over the next academic year. Professor Peter Rea and Professor Claire Hopkins, the incoming presidents of the Otology and the Laryngology & Rhinology Sections, have come together to create a combined programme.

Going beyond patient care: discovering alternative roles in audiology

In this article we hear about Husmita Ratanjee-Vanmali’s journey from clinical practice to implementing global strategies for clinical practice, education, and innovation across South Africa, Canada and Denmark. In the constantly evolving dynamic global sector, have you ever considered what...

Robotics in rhinology – fantasy or the future?

Robotic surgery is advancing, but its use in rhinology lags due to spatial constraints and high costs. Innovations in flexible robots may bridge this gap in the future. We are in a new era, one of artificial intelligence and robotics....

ENT and evidence-based medicine: How do they benefit each other?

How do we assess evidence, and how should ENT surgeons use EBM? Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the practice of medicine based upon high quality scientific research. There are several formal definitions of EBM, the most widely quoted being that of...

Across the pond: a tale of two fellowships

Where in the world is Halifax? Many outside of Canada have never heard of the Maritime Canadian town of Halifax. Before leaving to start a year-long fellowship there, we both had to answer many questions from family and friends about...