You searched for "neural"

607 results found

Medicine in the Mountains

This is an easy-to-read paperback with interesting accompanying photographs. Its focus is one of the UK-based teams who have done considerable healthcare work in Nepal. Written by David Hawker, a British anaesthetist, we see the story unfold through his eyes....

Tinnitus and music

Marc Fagelson discusses how not just hearing loss, but tinnitus and hyperacusis and impairments to an individual’s ability to process music can adversely affect one’s quality of life, as well as their overall interactions from a societal and personal perspective....

Why and what should hearing care professionals know about cognitive impairment and dementia

Good reasons to care about cognitive impairment and dementia in audiology If asking people what they fear most when getting to old age, it is cognitive decline that is named most often. This comes with the expectation of limitations in...

Neuroimaging WG3. Neuroimaging as a window on the heterogeneity of tinnitus

Pim van Dijk and Sven Vanneste describe the hope that brain imaging techniques used for research will provide a better understanding of the heterogeneity of tinnitus through large-scale analysis. Their project will create a procedure whereby researchers can submit their...

Untangling the emotional and physiological aspects of hyperacusis

In hyperacusis, the physiological and the emotional aspects can become deeply entwined. Dr Sarah Theodoroff draws us into her perspectives on this important aspect of the condition. Background Sounds and Emotions The basic act of hearing sounds triggers an emotional...

What’s new in the cochlea?

Prof Furness in this article rounds up the steps and leaps being made by the scientific community to develop therapies to support, rejuvenate and / or replace the cochlear structures. David’s electron microscope images of the cochlear structures are world...

The role of prediction and gain in tinnitus

Dr Will Sedley is a Clinical Academic Neurologist who has done groundbreaking work in the field of tinnitus mechanisms. Here, he introduces and explains the concepts of prediction and of gain as they relate to troublesome tinnitus. This article focuses...

Getting to grips with acoustic trauma

Our understanding of hearing loss caused by noise exposure to those in the armed forces is growing in interest and understanding. Research at a cellular level is essential to increase our understanding so that we can better diagnose, manage and...

Imaging tinnitus

Tinnitus is a common sensation with a reported prevalence of 7-32%. The British National Study of Hearing recorded that 10% of adults suffered from prolong spontaneous tinnitus, and approximately a quarter of these are subsequently referred to hospital for investigation...

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and the vestibular system: a case study

This team of audiologists from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre discuss an eight year old with congenital CMV, a neonatal infection which is usually asymptomatic, and provide guidance on how to recognise the signs in the paediatric population, and screen...

Which bit of our brains do we need to recognise fear, disgust and happiness?

Recognising other people’s emotions is a useful life skill for human interaction in both social and vocational situations. Yet there remains significant debate about which areas of the brain are required to enable us to read and understand these facial...

Lynton's Innovative Trade-In Program Promotes Sustainability and Supports NHS Decarbonisation Efforts

Laser manufacturer Lynton is thrilled to announce the Great CO2 Trade-In! A ground-breaking incentive for the ENT sector of the NHS, the Great CO2 Trade-In enables hospitals to trade in their current CO2 surgical lasers for a SmartXide Trio, regardless of the manufacturer.