You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

In conversation with Erwin Offeciers

Professor Erwin Offeciers is a renowned adult and paediatric otologist, living and working in Antwerp, Belgium. He has extensive experience in cochlear implantation and has also spearheaded the well described bony obliteration technique. He is to sit on the forthcoming...

How can we improve outcomes for patients with acute vestibular neuritis?

Vestibular neuritis is a common disorder that can leave up to 50% of patients with persistent vertigo symptoms for months to years following the acute insult. Often their first contact with ENT or balance specialists is many months after the...

Otolith dysfunction in congenitally deaf adults

This paper helps to further define the profile of ocular and cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (o and c VEMPs) in patients with congenital profound sensorineural hearing loss (PSHL). It highlights the prevalence of otolith (saccular and utricular) dysfunction that exists...

Acoustic Immittance Measures: Basic and Advanced Practice

Writing a short yet comprehensive textbook to explore the vast and developing field of acoustic immittance measures seems like a challenge. This book aims to explore the core concepts behind immittance testing and provide an update on recent developments within...

Balance Function Assessment and Management – Second Edition

This is the second edition of this reference work which was first published in 2008. Vestibular assessment and management has moved on in the intervening seven years and this new edition reflects this. This aims to be a comprehensive reference...

Mondini dysplasia and cochlear implantation

Approximately 20-28% of sensorineural hearing loss in children arises due to a cochlear malformation. Mondini dysplasia includes a cochlear with one and a half turns and an incomplete interscalar septum. Cochlear implantation is a common treatment protocol for children with...

Sit back, relax and enjoy the flight! & Arrivals

This series of stories is dedicated to those of you with whom some of these moments were shared (or endured) and, above all, to my amazing and long-suffering husband, David Howard. Most of you know him as an exceptional head...

In conversation with Professor Anne Schilder

Flying the flag for research in ENT, hearing and balance Anne Schilder is an NIHR Research Professor and leads the evidENT team at the Ear Institute at University College London. She also holds a Chair in Paediatric ENT at UCL...

BAAP Mid-Year Symposium 2024: A Neurology-Neurotology Interface

British Association of Audiovestibular Physicians (BAAP) held its mid-year symposium virtually, attracting a global audience of audiovestibular and neurology professionals. Organised by Professor Soumit Dasgupta, Chair of the BAAP Education Committee, the half-day event focused on the complex interface between neurology and neurotology, specifically addressing neurodegenerative disorders and their impact on balance.

Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology – Second Edition

The authors of the Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology, as stated themselves, have striven to pen an exhaustive and academic textbook on audiology. In my view, it certainly meets their aim of being at a masters or doctoral level. However,...

Wearable sensors for assessment of vestibular disorders

This prospective preliminary study describes the use of commercially available wearable inertial sensors (Mobility LabTM) in assessing the functional ability of individuals with vestibular disorders. Traditionally the Romberg’s, Tandem Walking and Fukuda’s Stepping tests were used to clinically evaluate individuals...

Interacoustics continues successful online and in-person training

The Interacoustics Academy provides access to high-quality, evidence-based learning materials to improve clinical practice and patient care in diagnostic audiology and balance.