You searched for "children"

802 results found

Children with Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six – Fourth Edition

This book is targeted at a wide audience, from students and healthcare professionals to parents of children with hearing loss. The book is split into two sections: the first section aims to provide the reader with background infomation about hearing...

Which scan for children with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss? Keeping the debate going…

There have been years of debate about the appropriate imaging strategy for children with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. For those children undergoing cochlear implant surgery, CT may provide some assistance to surgical planning, although this is not necessary in children...

The emergence of in-office ventilation tubes for the treatment of otitis media in children

In-office tympanostomy tube systems offer a quicker, anaesthesia-free alternative to traditional surgery for children, with promising outcomes and reduced costs. Tympanostomy tube or grommet insertion is the most common surgery performed on children worldwide. Whilst a relatively short and straightforward...

Button batteries – how can we reduce harm to children?

This article explores the history of button batteries and how clinicians and industries alike could reduce the harm to children following ingestion. Following ingestion, if lodged, button batteries cause an alkaline reaction leading to necrosis of mucosa. Significant oesophageal injury...

Is it necessary to put ventilation tubes at the time of surgery in children with cleft palate?

It is commonly understood that existence of a palatal cleft is associated with abnormal action of tensor veli palatini muscle. Frequent middle ear effusions therefore occur because this muscle obstructs rather than opens the Eustachian tube on yawning and swallowing,...

Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation Serving Children and Adults with Hearing Loss - Third Edition

As the name indicates, this book deals with the bread and butter of audiologists or at least what should be our bread and butter. We work with changing people in changing environments, therefore, along with an acute understanding of technology,...

A surgeon’s perspective on the challenges facing cochlear implantation in children

Cochlear implantation in children offers a different set of challenges and goals to adult practice. In this article, Iain Bruce, Professor of Paediatric Otolaryngology in Manchester, UK, explains some of the current clinical and research challenges in paediatric cochlear implantation,...

A review of significant issues in the management of obstructive sleep apnoea in children

There are considerable variations in the management of obstructive sleep apnoea in children and this suggests a need for more research and evidence-based information. In this review article, the authors address four key issues. Literature compares tonsillectomy with tonsillotomy, the...

Targeted CMV screening and hearing management of children with congenital cytomegalovirus infection

Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is a common congenital infection and is the leading infectious cause of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in children. Prof Karen Fowler discusses current research and the exciting future of screening for cCMV in newborns. Figure 1....

Current considerations on neural development and hearing loss in young children

The young child’s brain has the ability to change in response to new stimuli, resulting in learning, the foundation of adaptive and intelligent behaviour. For children with hearing loss, a reduction or lack of auditory stimuli can have a ‘lifelong...

Do we need to intervene after complications of acute sinusitis in children?

omplications of acute sinusitis in children are not uncommon and some are managed surgically. The authors of this paper reviewed their experience of subsequent chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Nine of 86 patients required surgery in the 12 months after their initial...

Common ENT disorders in Children; Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America

This book brings together 11 key articles over 221 pages on the up-to-date evidence-based management of key paediatric ENT disorders. The contents page has a refreshingly different approach by listing these key articles together with a summary paragraph explaining the...