You searched for "cadaveric"

112 results found

Novel wax solvent

This paper describes an open label, prospective study undertaken by the authors to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of a novel topical wax solvent. This new product has a dual action using a bicarbonate system to disrupt the esters and...

OBITUARY: Professor Heinz Stammberger (1946-2018)

We, at ENT & Audiology News, have just learned of the death of Professor Heinz Stammberger on 9 December. Within the global ENT community, there can be few people whose names are as well-known as his, and his loss will...

How good ideas become great products: in conversation with three medical innovators

Ever had a great idea for an innovation that would significantly improve your practice, but wondered how to go about developing it? Lucy Dalton interviewed three consultant ENT surgeons-come-successful innovators (one international, one novice and one experienced) who explain what...

IFOS activities

International collaboration is more important than ever, and we hear from Prof Milan Profant about a collaboration that grew out of the very successful IFOS meeting in Paris in 2017. IFOS has developed a new philosophy regarding how to organise...

In conversation with Valerie j Lund, BACO International 2018 Master

Professor Lund is ‘Master’ of BACO International 2018. She was made an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Surgeons in October, the first woman in ENT to receive this. ENT & Audiology News Editor, Declan Costello, caught up with...

4th Otology Fellows Congress and Advanced Course in Ear & Skull Base Surgery

Report by: Eveline Tasca Rodrigues, MD Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The 4th International Annual Otology Fellows Congress and Advanced Course in Otology and Skull Base Surgery filled so many blank spaces in my career that I feel honoured to...

VES2 is ready to bring ear surgery into your living room

The VES2 virtual reality bone drilling simulator is ready and it is freeware! After a long development period we are now able to invite everybody to try the simulator and use it for training, for a inner ear anatomy, and...

Forward-going sound pressure wave with hearing thresholds

This article discusses an important and well-known point regarding the differences between coupler sound pressure measurements, used to calibrate earphones, and actual pressures delivered to the ear due to individual variances across patients. The study purports to suggest a new...

BACO: The Master’s role

Ian Mackay is this year’s BACO Master, with Valerie Lund taking over for the next meeting. As the senior overseer of the conference, the role of Master is a crucial one, and Ian tells us how he has gone about...

In conversation with Prof Peter John Wormald: The past, present and future of treating CRS

At ERS2023, Prof PJ Wormald will lecture on the past, present and future of treating chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). We caught up with him recently to hear about the major improvements, the hypes and his dreams for the future of treating...

Image-Based Case Studies in ENT and Head & Neck Surgery

This is a question and answer style book based on 124 clinical images. Divided into four sections, the images are generally of very good quality. It is a handy size to carry around. The authors state it is aimed at...

Clinical leadership and management: developing world ENT

I have been asked to share some of the initiatives I have been involved with to address ENT-related challenges in Africa and the developing world. Developing countries constitute the majority of the world’s landmass (Figure 1), are home to >50%...