You searched for "GPA"

91 results found

Livio™ AI: In Conversation with Achin Bhowmik

A hearing aid? A Fitbit? A falls alert device? A ‘Healthable’? Achin Bhowmik discusses how Starkey’s Livio AI came to market and what it means for the future of amplification devices. Achin Bhowmik. Achin, you have an interesting background in...

Tinnitus & Hearing Loss Seminar

Report by: Catharine Crabtree, Royal Surrey Hospital in Guildford The Biggest Show on Earth on Tinnitus, held at the G Live Theatre, Guildford, provided a great way to kick off the first day of the National Tinnitus Awareness Week 2020....

10 steps to improving transition to adult services

Children and parents like the reassurance that staying under the care of the team who looked after them from birth gives, but as the child approaches adulthood he / she must come under the care of a new team. This...

Jameel Muzaffar, Anne Schilder and James O’Hara

In a follow-up to the interview with Anne Schilder back in 2016*, Jameel Muzaffar speaks to Anne and to James O’Hara about the current research landscape in ENT in the UK. *Banerjee A. In conversation with Professor Anne Schilder. ENT...

Jameel Muzaffar, Anne Schilder and James O’Hara

In a follow-up to the interview with Anne Schilder back in 2016*, Jameel Muzaffar speaks to Anne and to James O’Hara about the current research landscape in ENT in the UK. *Banerjee A. In conversation with Professor Anne Schilder. ENT...

The experience of being a new ENT SHO

In this article, Matt Donachie shares insights on the daunting yet enjoyable experience of starting as an ENT junior doctor, offering valuable advice. Starting your first job as a junior doctor in any specialty in the UK can be a...

Experience on the front line

21st January 2021 Back to basics Yesterday I went right back to where my medical career began. I grew up in Germany, bilingual. A prerequisite to studying medicine in Germany is that applicants have to spend two months working as...