You searched for "Cognition"

2016 results found

Migration and training: a British-Nigerian surgeon’s perspective

Less than 4% of doctors on the UK’s medical register describe their ethnicity as African or part African, yet there are myriad driving forces behind the migration of medical trainees from Africa to the UK and other developed countries. Ekpemi...

‘Want an upgrade?’ Moral distress in audiology

Ethical practice in audiology has become a hot topic in recent years, particularly in the independent sector where sales can be linked to commissions. Andrea Simpson has explored this issue in her research and shares her insight into the drivers...

The rise of a medical ‘mirrorworld’

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are concepts we’ve heard of, but only seen in films such as Terminator, Minority Report and Mission Impossible. In this article, Tom Lovelock describes how AR/VR will impact our lives. A recent article...

The Surgical Skills Centre in BACO 2018: pride of place

Simulation in medical training is gaining prominence with every passing year, and BACO will have a large space showcasing this area. We hear from the organisers. In recognition of the developing importance of simulation in surgical training, BACO 2018 has...

In conversation with Professor Valentina Parma, Head of GCCR

Smell has long been regarded as the Cinderella of the senses, oft neglected by clinicians, the research community and lay public. The Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research looks to change all that. Our roving reporter, Abigail Walker, talks to its...

An undergraduate perspective on changes to audiology education

I have completed two years of study and am currently preparing for my final year, which consists of a twenty-five week placement alongside a research project and theoretical modules. It is inevitable that, as a result of the changes made...

In conversation with Professor Valentina Parma, Head of GCCR

Smell has long been regarded as the Cinderella of the senses, oft neglected by clinicians, the research community and lay public. The Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research looks to change all that. Our roving reporter, Abigail Walker, talks to its...

‘Bare below the elbows’

So it has finally happened. I have reached that stage of reactionary bewilderment known as middle age. As well having my finger nowhere near the pulse of contemporary culture, I am finding the siren charms of BBC Radio 2 and...

International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS): its programmes and impact on head and neck cancer worldwide

In the first article of this edition, we introduce IFHNOS, which has created a major impact on the landscape of head and neck cancer treatment and education over the past quarter of a century by offering a global platform amongst...

Educational audiologists: adding value, bridging gaps

Educational audiology provides a vital link between health and education by supporting children with hearing loss in educational settings. Joy Rosenberg presents an overview of the training route available in the United Kingdom. Students in lecture. Educational audiologists greatly enhance...

What is voice?

Voice is an area of clinical practice in speech and language therapy where there remains much debate, not only around the aetiology and classifications of voice disorders, but around the treatment of them. In general, it is accepted that ‘voice...

Voice and unilateral vocal fold paralysis

Voice outcomes are the main comparators when managing unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVP). In a review of the literature, 11 voice indicators are included in 80% of all articles. However, when surgeons were surveyed on their clinical preferences and their...