You searched for "surgeons"

2066 results found

BACO: The Master’s role

Ian Mackay is this year’s BACO Master, with Valerie Lund taking over for the next meeting. As the senior overseer of the conference, the role of Master is a crucial one, and Ian tells us how he has gone about...

In conversation with Professor Wolfgang Pirsig

Professor Wolfgang Pirsig is a key figure in the field of ENT history and is known for his fascinating discoveries of ENT features in art and historical objects. He kindly agreed to be interviewed for this special history focus by...

BACO 2015 – Liverpool

Team BACO 2015: Academic Secretary, Peter Andrews; Treasurer, Chris Potter; Master, Ian Mackay and Local Host and Programme Director, Andrew Swift. (Photo taken by Academic Chairman, Shakeel Saeed.) In the height of a glorious English summer, over 1200 of the...

Nasal septal perforation repair

Nasal septal perforation repair has traditionally been a great challenge. Many surgical techniques are described, however the success rate of closure has often been poor. Experience from the use of pedicled vascularised mucosal flaps in skull base surgery has been...

Sulcus vocalis in patients attending voice clinics: A retrospective study

Sulcus vocalis was first described by Giacomini. This includes a variety of anatomic indentations of the vocal fold, ranging from shallow longitudinal furrows to deep vocal cord pits. This retrospective study was conducted at King Saud University between 2006 and...

Free flap reconstruction in stage three bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis

There is no widely accepted gold standard for the treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). Early BRONJ is managed conservatively but there is controversy regarding the treatment of the later stages. Stage three is defined as exposed bone...

Olfactory protective effect of omega-3 supplements during healing after endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection

This multicentre study, led by researchers from Stanford, demonstrates another use for omega-3 supplements. The study analysed cohorts equally divided between control arm and omega-3 supplementation. Post endoscopic sellar and parasellar resection, better olfactory function was observed at three and...

What is the right balance to strike in the management of anaplastic thyroid cancer?

This is a pragmatic article on a difficult and much debated subject. Management of anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) can feel like making decisions between a rock and a hard place, and this article suggests one path to help navigate some...

Do parents sleep better after paediatric adenotonsillectomy?

Paediatric adenotonsillectomy for sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is amongst the commonest surgical procedures performed in ENT. In the outpatient clinic, parents routinely express their concern about their child’s breathing but the impact of sleep disordered breathing on the parent is...

Does pregabalin help with post-tonsillectomy pain?

This is a small double-blind randomised controlled trial conducted on tonsillectomy and lateral pharyngoplasty operations. Both of these operations are terrifically painful, and I am sure most of us are looking for a way of reducing the suffering for our...

Direct intratemporal facial nerve to hypoglossal nerve coaptation for facial reanimation

The hypoglossal nerve is a common axonal source for dynamic facial nerve rehabilitation. In its regular and modified forms of splitting the nerve it is associated with tongue hemiatrophy, speech and swallow dysfunction, facial movement and hyper contracture. This case...

Role of ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration in management of the neck after chemoradiotherapy

Primary chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is a well-established treatment for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). However, not every patient has a complete response to this treatment modality, necessitating eventual salvage neck dissection. Some patients with persistent adenopathy following...