You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

AOT Conference 2024

Shared Knowledge, Built Community Anita Sedghi FY1, Northwick Park Hospital, London Northwest NHS Trust The AOT Conference this year focused on a diverse range of presentations, catering to trainees at all levels. The program started with a thought-provoking talk by...

Paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea

As tonsillectomy rates for recurrent sore throats have declined, there has been increasing recognition of the importance of OSA in children. Not always diagnosed early – or in some cases at all – and with continuing debate as to how...

10 steps to improving transition to adult services

Children and parents like the reassurance that staying under the care of the team who looked after them from birth gives, but as the child approaches adulthood he / she must come under the care of a new team. This...

Endoscopic middle ear surgery for cholesteatoma treatment

A critical question when any new technique is proposed is ‘does it work?’ In this article Daniele Marchioni and Davide Soloperto discuss the success rates of endoscopic ear surgery for cholesteatoma. Introduction Surgical management of cholesteatoma is still a controversial...

Hunting for the zorse - hybrid learning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

Emma Watts, a West Midlands ENT Registrar and Digital Fellow, gives a witty and concise recollection of ENT training during COVID, and predicts how hybrid learning may be here to stay. *A zorse is the offspring of a zebra stallion...

Sniffing out the evidence – COVID-19 and loss of sense of smell and taste

Louis Pasteur once observed: “In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind.” Professor Hopkins was certainly prepared when a few anecdotes of smell problems started to accumulate early in the pandemic’s course. Post-viral olfactory loss is nothing...

Hearing about genes

I have been fortunate in my career to travel as an invited lecturer at many hospitals, universities and professional societies around the world. I have spoken to audiology societies, otolaryngology societies, and university communication disorders programmes in Europe, Asia, Africa,...

In conversation with Chrysa Spyridakou, Robert Nash, Emma Clement, Nish Mehta and Anne GM Schilder

Jaclyn Tan interviews members of the London-based multidisciplinary hearing team, about their insights to auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder, and their vision for the future management of this challenging range of conditions. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) describes a wide range...

In conversation with Professor Graeme Clark

As we celebrate the cochlear implant, we celebrate an amazing work of innovative biomedical engineering that is a life-changer to many recipients around the world. We take for granted the arduous journey of the cochlear implant since its conception. Eric...

Why hearing above 8 kHz matters more than you think

This review explores the significance of extended high-frequency hearing loss (above 8 kHz) and why it may be worth doing clinically more frequently. There are many conditions that may hide underneath a normal audiogram, and one of the easiest to...

Pharma chameleon

One morning in September ’95, about a month into my first house job on the South Coast of England, I emerged from the ridiculously early ward round on the coronary care unit feeling a bit dazed and therefore headed off...

Robotics in rhinology – fantasy or the future?

Robotic surgery is advancing, but its use in rhinology lags due to spatial constraints and high costs. Innovations in flexible robots may bridge this gap in the future. We are in a new era, one of artificial intelligence and robotics....