You searched for "surgeons"

2066 results found

A ‘rye’ tail – the fatal illness of Lord Boringdon, a Regency tragedy

The anonymous privately-printed book, Some Account of Lord Boringdon’s Accident, describes in deferential terms a case of aspiration of a foreign body and its sequelae. Today aspirated foreign bodies are serious but curable injuries; before the invention of the bronchoscope...

Head & Neck Section of Sylvester O'Halloran Surgical Scientific Symposium

Report By: Professor John Fenton The annual Head and Neck Section of the 26th Sylvester O Halloran Surgical Scientific meeting was held at the University of Limerick Medical School (UL-GEMS) on 2 March 2019. Unfortunately the 2018 conference had to...

Surgery safety checklists

The time-outs were based on pre-flight checklists adopted by airline pilots and were instituted in all accredited hospitals and ambulatory care centres in the United States in 2003. The guidelines originate from general surgery and are not specific for the...

Earlier intervention to correct anosmia?

This is an interesting study aimed to determine the timing for successful surgical intervention in improving the sense of smell in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). A total of 86 CRSwNP patients with loss of smell and...

Inverted papilloma

This Croatian study aimed to look at risk factors associated with malignant transformation and recurrence in 91 cases in a single institution over a 20-year period. There were 66 men and 25 women included in the study. The authors reported...

Cinch suture: Does it work?

Flaring of the nostrils is a common side-effect of a maxillary osteotomy. At times flaring is minimal or of no significance. In some instances, it can be a significant postoperative concern to the patient, even to the extent of declining...

Talking through technology – keeping up with the mainstream

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system development has often made early use of innovative technology. Touch screens have been a part of this technology for some time. In fact, touch screens were invented in 1965 but it wasn’t until the...

COVID-19 Audiology Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will be updated as and when more become available. April 2021 - Robert M DiSogra. COVID-19 Survey: Disposing of Cerumen from Patients with a Positive History...

Young ESPO - calling all young paediatric otolaryngologists

Young ESPO welcomes all junior otolaryngologists with a special interest in paediatrics to become part of a community of training doctors, and share clinical and research knowledge on paediatric ENT!

The role of YO-IFOS in enhancing collaboration between young physicians in Europe

Young ENT surgeons realise the importance of international collaboration – we hear about a group that was formed just 18 months ago. During the meeting of the International Federation of Otorhinolaryngological Societies (IFOS) in 2017 in Paris, a group for...

Head and neck cancer multidisciplinary team

Why do we have MDTs? Do they make a difference to outcomes? Jon Bernstein explores the whys and wherefores of the head and neck cancer MDT, and wonders where things might go from here… Head and neck (upper aerodigestive tract)...

Method of delivery: all topical nasal corticosteroids are not made equal

There is an increasing body of evidence that the role of surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis is to facilitate the delivery of topical medical treatment – most notably, topical corticosteroids. Two recent studies, one using flow dynamics and another one examining...