You searched for "reinnervation"

2517 results found

DP Medical secures DIFRA Instrumentation distribution deal for UK and Ireland

Leading healthcare supplier, DP Medical Systems Ltd, has been named as the exclusive UK and Ireland distributor for DIFRA Instrumentation – one of the world’s leading creators of diagnostic balance disorder equipment.

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Dr Jerry Northern

Gareth Smith chats with Dr Jerry Northern and learns about his fascination with Mount Everest, the legendary Marion Downs and his unique career in audiology… Jerry with the legendary Marion Downs. Tell us about your background, how did you come...

Bone anchored hearing devices in very young children

This paper presents results of BC devices in very young children and helps inform an honest discussion of risks / benefit with prospective parents. The authors of this article from Starship Children’s Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand have a series of...

A cognitive therapy programme for hearing impairment: reducing avoidance and mental distress

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a psychotherapeutic treatment method, is most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression. Newly published results from a controlled, clinical study demonstrate that an adapted CBT programme is useful for several common challenges in aural rehabilitation;...

CIICA’s new resources: summaries of the CI information from the WHO World Report on Hearing

The new global network, CI International Community of Action (CIICA) has produced four summaries from the exciting and comprehensive World Report on Hearing 2021. These summarise the information and evidence about cochlear implants (CIs) included in the report which are...

The decision-making process by parents of children with residual hearing who receive cochlear implants

It can be a difficult decision for parents whose children have residual hearing whether or not to undergo cochlear implantation. Their children may seem to be hearing with their hearing aids, and even in some cases can hear without aids....

Spotlight on Africa: paediatric ENT focus

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) carries 24% of the global disease burden but employs only 3% of the world’s health workers [1]. Unique workforce considerations exist in SSA including a paucity of skilled health professionals and fluctuant political climates [1,2]. Shazia Peer...

Swallow this: management of dysphagia in progressive neurological conditions

Whether the person with the swallowing difficulty has an acquired or progressive neurological condition, understanding the aetiology will allow the speech and language therapist assessing the swallow to have a better understanding of the likely implications for future swallow management...

Planning for the long term when working with young people with TBI

Traumatic brain injuries are most common amongst young people and can have long term consequences. The authors of this article provide an approach to management of cognitive and communication difficulties which starts with a detailed assessment using the model of...

Rotational chair testing: “To rotate, or not to rotate, that is the real question”

Passive whole body rotation tests are widely considered to be the ‘gold standard’ for the identification of bilateral peripheral vestibular disorders (bPVD), but also have a part to play in identifying unilateral disorders (uPVD). In this article Paul Radomskij discusses...

Chronic cough hypersensitivity syndrome

We all have patients who give us a ‘heartsink’ feeling; for many of us, the coughing patient is exactly such a situation. In this overview, Bhaskar Ram and Sangeeta Maini outline their approach to diagnosis. Declan Costello, Editor. Introduction Chronic...

hearX Group technology featured by BBC Africa

Recent studies show that one in every five people may suffer from hearing loss. It is estimated that by 2050, one in every ten people will have disabling hearing loss.