You searched for "nerve"

1028 results found

Laryngeal endoscopies

Here, the authors provide some great tips for performing a successful microlaryngoscopy which should be of benefit to those learning this very common procedure. In this article, we will discuss tips for performing a microlaryngoscopy, and different laryngoscopes used to...

Kuduwave™ testing aboard the ISS

What does it take to make an audiometer and tympanometry ready for the space age? In a recent interview, Jillian Scotland and Dirk Koekemoer shared their first-hand experience of getting the Kuduwave ready for a voyage to the ISS. It...

BACO Revisited - 1991

British Academic Conference (BACO) Revisited: Dublin, 1991 Report by: Musheer Hussain In anticipation of BACO 2020, Musheer Hussain takes a look back at some of the BACO conferences of past years, beginning with a memorable few days in Dublin in...

Audiology in this issue...Women in Leadership

Priya Carling, AuD, Director and Consultant Audiologist,Kent Hearing Ltd, UK. E: Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist,The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: Twitter: @griffithsbrown1 I am going to start off this editorial by clarifying that...

Anxiety and acronyms – musings of an otolaryngologist

Personal protective equipment (PPE) has been a focus of attention and concern for healthcare workers around the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neil Tolley discusses some of the issues. I write this article in mid-May when, were it not for...

The making of a paediatric airway surgeon: In conversation with David Albert

Michael Kuo interviews David Albert to find out what drew him to paediatric airway surgery, the mentors who shaped his surgical approach, and to ask his advice for budding young paediatric airway surgeons. David Albert. When did you first get...

Head and neck cancer multidisciplinary team

Why do we have MDTs? Do they make a difference to outcomes? Jon Bernstein explores the whys and wherefores of the head and neck cancer MDT, and wonders where things might go from here… Head and neck (upper aerodigestive tract)...

Innovations in remote/teleaudiology patient care

Audiometry remains the gold standard in hearing evaluations. Changes in the delivery of audiometry remain a key challenge in providing a telehealth approach to hearing care. The team at Lyon University Hospital validated an innovative approach to solving this challenge,...

Use of Elasticated Hooks in Open Rhinoplasty

Introduction Good exposure is an essential requisite in open rhinoplasty and often requires appropriate assistance to aid surgery. Frequently, surgeons lack adequate assistance in theatre and often have to depend on the scrub nurse for retraction. A self-retaining retractor is...

MedShr-ing is caring

MedShr is an international, award-winning medical education platform that has been created for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to discuss, learn, teach, and (to a lesser degree) network with one another. MedShr was founded in 2014 by Cardiologist Dr Asif Qasim and,...

Rapid genetic testing to avoid hearing loss in neonates

Thousands of newborn babies could avoid a lifetime of hearing loss thanks to a new rapid genetic test. In this article, we learn how. We have demonstrated for the first time that a rapid genetic test from a cheek swab...

Andrew Foster and deaf education

This article examines the career of deaf African American, Andrew Foster, and his contribution to deaf education in Sub-Saharan Africa. The history of medicine has often been guilty of attributing great revolutions to a single person (usually a white man)...