You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Why and how to assess digital literacy of older adults with hearing loss

Assessing digital literacy in older adults with hearing loss is vital for equitable care. The new DL-2Q tool quickly measures such skills, ensuring tailored support and better outcomes. Digital literacy and its importance When an older patient walks into your...


The CEORL-HNS Academy exists to improve and update knowledge and skills among ORL-HNS residents and young specialists, aiding in their preparation for national and international exams. Exam preparation is sweeter if it can be done in the beautiful surroundings of...

Harnessing social networks - connecting the global paediatric ENT community

Hannah Burns radiates enthusiasm and commitment to improving communications across geographical and political boundaries. When the pandemic hit in 2020, she took to social media to share her thoughts and offered a forum for colleagues. In the midst of the...

Unpacking the World Health Organization’s World Report on Hearing: what does it say?

The inaugural report on hearing from the World Health Organisation is a tool for advocacy, and for getting hearing loss on government agendas. Nguyen Ngoc Bao Tran was 11 months old when her hearing loss was diagnosed. Despite being informed...

Loss of smell after COVID-19: a view from the patient forums

Patient advocate, Chrissi Kelly, founder of AbScent, talks about how the pandemic has changed the way we think about smell loss. The high prevalence of chemosensory impairment as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has shone a much-needed spotlight on...

Acute otitis externa: what are the important outcomes?

Matthew Smith discusses a project looking at outcomes of acute otitis externa interventions, and how, going forward, the INTEGRATE team are working with patients to develop outcome measures. Acute otitis externa (AOE) is one of the most common conditions of...

Unpacking the World Health Organization’s World Report on Hearing: what does it say?

The inaugural report on hearing from the World Health Organisation is a tool for advocacy, and for getting hearing loss on government agendas. Nguyen Ngoc Bao Tran was 11 months old when her hearing loss was diagnosed. Despite being informed...

Central auditory changes in SNHL

Robert Harrison discusses some of the most obvious ways in which cochlear hearing loss has central consequences. It is convenient to classify hearing loss according to the most obvious site of lesion, for example, conductive, cochlear, retro-cochlear, or central hearing...

Patient initiated follow-up in head and neck cancer

Is it time for a change in the way we follow up head and neck cancer patients after treatment? Paul Nankivell and Hisham Mehanna explain the rationale for the PETNECK2 trial. After completion of curative intent treatment, clinical follow-up currently...

NHS collaboration and partnership with the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries

Historically the relationship between industry and the NHS has been a cautious one. Both sides have typically worked with only partially disclosed agendas, under a pervading fear of finding themselves on the wrong end of a win-lose negotiation. Things have...

Surgical management of sleep disordered breathing

Snoring and sleep-disordered breathing are often described as multi-level problems, and different surgical procedures are required to treat the various sites of airway narrowing and/or collapse. Jonathan Hobson gives us an eloquent run-through the various options available to the ENT...

Coblation tongue channelling

After uvulopalatoplasty, the tendency is to focus on the tongue base as the next anatomical area to address in the management of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing. In this article, Glen Burgess describes the technique of tongue channelling, to reduce the...