You searched for "sinus"

1394 results found

The tip in rhinoplasty

Getting the tip right (both its position and its shape) is vital in rhinoplasty. George Marcells eloquently gives us his perspective on how to get it right. “Many surgeons overly concentrate on the profile at the expense of the frontal...

Taking a fresh look at otoacoustic emissions

So what has changed in four decades of OAEs? Do we now have all the answers? Have we reached our optimum recording ability? Professor Kemp explains what we know, what we don’t know and what’s to come. In the 40...

First UK hypoglossal nerve stimulation implant in the treatment for moderate to severe OSA

Obstructive sleep apnoea has been treated in many different ways over the years. We hear from Yakubu Karagama about one of the latest surgical developments. Introduction Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is by far the most common sleep disorder, affecting all...

Head and neck cancer multidisciplinary team

Why do we have MDTs? Do they make a difference to outcomes? Jon Bernstein explores the whys and wherefores of the head and neck cancer MDT, and wonders where things might go from here… Head and neck (upper aerodigestive tract)...

Across the pond: a tale of two fellowships

Where in the world is Halifax? Many outside of Canada have never heard of the Maritime Canadian town of Halifax. Before leaving to start a year-long fellowship there, we both had to answer many questions from family and friends about...

Recurrent respiratory papilloma treatment in the office

In this interesting new article, Markus Hess and Susanne Fleischer describe their technique for managing recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in an outpatient setting using channelled endoscopes. The recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) of the larynx is a chronic HPV-associated viral disease. Clinical...

An update on HPV and the vaccination

In recent years, the role of HPV in the development of oropharyngeal cancers has become apparent. Hannah Fox and Vin Paleri contend that while we may not always be able to cure oropharyngeal cancers, vaccination offers our best hope for...

The impact of hearing loss in children with Down syndrome

Hearing loss and language development Down syndrome (DS) usually arises due to trisomy 21 and is associated with intellectual disability and risks of developmental delays and difficulties, including hearing loss. Hearing loss is common in children with DS [1]. In...

The big ask – maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit in academic facial plastic surgery in the USA

en·tre·pre·neur, noun a person who organises and operates a business and who has qualities of leadership, initiative and innovation. In the United States, facial plastic surgery (FPS) services are divided among private and academic practices. The vast majority of academic...

Emerging robotic systems for head and neck surgery

As of December 2020, seven robotic surgical systems have received approval for use in different jurisdictions, and many more task-specific robots are in the pipeline. Jack Faulkner takes us through what’s on the horizon for head and neck cancer surgery....

Medical and surgical management of performing vocalists

Dr Steven Zeitels is widely recognised as the foremost laryngologist of his generation. He has been at the forefront of innovation for 25 years, and has treated innumerable high-profile singers, most recently Sam Smith and Adele. Here, he gives us...

Adult speech testing in the UK

What do hearing healthcare providers see as the benefits and barriers to delivering speech testing? This article explores the latest research. Why speech testing? Speech tests have been used across ENT and audiology practice to measure an individual’s speech recognition...