You searched for "tympanostomy"

235 results found

COVID-19 tracheostomies

This is a review of tracheostomies completed by an OMFS Unit in London from 10 March to 18 May 2020. A total of 176 COVID-19 patients were admitted to intensive care, 72 of which required tracheostomy due to prolonged respiratory...

A global survey of tracheostomy healthcare provision and patient participation: requirements for improvement

Patients with tracheostomy require comprehensive care which should begin in the preoperative phase and go through immediate postoperative and discharge phases with patient involvement as well. The authors assessed this with a multicentre, cross-sectional survey using a mailing list held...

Assessing surgical tracheostomy skills

Surgical tracheostomy is an essential operation that trainees must be competent in. There is a lot of research currently looking into assessing trainees’ surgical abilities, particularly into assessments that can be used to demonstrate progress, so this article is very...

The effects of paediatric tracheostomy

Paediatric tracheostomy is usually an essential procedure to preserve life, or to allow a patient to function in the community. However, the effect of tracheostomy on the developing child - care requirements, lack of voice, impaired swallow, constant risk of...

Automated audiometry: in conversation with the creator of AMTAS®, Robert Margolis

As automated audiometry becomes more widespread for busy clinics and tele-audiometry, Laura Prigge from GSI interviews Dr Robert Margolis to discuss his automated method for testing auditory sensitivity (AMTAS®). What motivated you to think of automated audiometry? When I was...

Prognostic factors for myringoplasty

This retrospective study looked at the factors that were associated with a higher success rate for tympanic membrane perforation closure. The authors looked at 247 procedures. They compared the results of temporalis fascia versus tragal cartilage. The cartilage grafts had...

The debate: endoscopic vs microscopic ear surgery – meta-analysis of outcomes

Although the endoscopic approach to ear surgery has become more common in clinical practice, the debate about its role versus the traditional microscopic approach continues in many ENT units. This meta-analysis from the Mount Sinai ENT department in New York...

Which graft is better for type 1 tympanoplasty in elderly patients?

Type 1 tympanoplasty is a procedure performed to repair tympanic membrane perforations, primarily to reduce otorrhoea. This may subsequently lead to improvement of hearing. The common graft materials used are temporalis fascia and cartilage from tragus or concha. The authors...

Laser for active mucosal chronic otitis media

Active mucosal chronic otitis media (COM) is a condition characterised by otorrhoea secondary to chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid mucosa associated with granulations and a tympanic membrane perforation. Surgical intervention is often required, but concurrent mastoidectomy with...

Double layer graft in endoscopic tympanoplasty

This Turkish retrospective study looked at the success rates following endoscopic tympanoplasty using the double layer graft technique. This involves using a tragal cartilage and perichondrium composite graft and a separate perichondrial graft for closure of the perforation. The crescent...

What works better for type 3 tympanoplasty?

This is a systematic review comparing incus transposition (IT) and partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP). There is a total of 14 articles, obtaining 1055 patients: 614 for the IT group and 441 for the PORP group. All included patients had...

Which is the best graft for myringoplasty?

This is a systematic review and meta-analysis of retrospective studies for type 1 tympanoplasty (myringoplasty) surgery comparing temporalis fascia and cartilage autograft materials for reconstruction. Inclusion criteria was patients with more than 50% perforated tympanic membrane with intact ossicular chain....