You searched for "rhinosinusitis"

175 results found

CRSwNP, another monoclonal antibody

Interleukins 4, 5 and 13 were shown to be important factors in type 2 inflammation, which characterises chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP). In CRSwNP non-responders and those who recur short after-surgery monoclonal antibodies might be an answer. Examples include...

Does Eustachian tube dysfunction improve with FESS?

This multinational study prospectively collected SNOT-22 data to determine the prevalence and severity of, and whether endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) had improved, symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction in patient with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). The SNOT-22 includes two questions which are...

The effect of cocaine or adrenaline dressing during endoscopic sinus surgery

A randomised controlled study of 37 patients took place that underwent endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis and received adrenaline or cocaine-soaked patties. The study showed no difference in the mean surgical field scores between adrenaline and cocaine sides. Adequate...

The impact of rhino-sinusitis treatment on olfaction

This study included 28 adults prospectively enrolled between March 2011 and May 2013 into a non-randomised, multi-institutional cohort. Adults electing endoscopic sinus surgery experienced gains in olfaction comparable to adults electing continued medical management. The evidence in this study comparing...

Do we need to intervene after complications of acute sinusitis in children?

omplications of acute sinusitis in children are not uncommon and some are managed surgically. The authors of this paper reviewed their experience of subsequent chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Nine of 86 patients required surgery in the 12 months after their initial...

Metaplasia of the concave septum

This group conducted a one year prospective study and sampled mucosa from 42 randomly selected patients with septal deviation at a single centre. They found significantly higher rate of squamous metaplasia and lymphocytic infiltration in septal mucosa on the concave...

A bittersweet finding

This is an elegant study, documenting the role of, and activation of, nitrous oxide in chronic sinusitis. Bitter taste receptors (TR2) have recently been identified as novel ‘players’ in sinonasal innate immunity and in chronic rhinosinusitis. The receptors are triggered...

Rhinology: what does the future hold?

David Kennedy surveys the past, the present and the future of rhinology practice and research. An evolution of understanding in rhinology The dramatic growth of clinical and translational research within the field of rhinology in recent years is illustrated by...

The hippo and the nose

Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) leads to histological changes including thickening of the basilar membrane and epithelial proliferation. Molecular mechanisms underlying these changes are still not fully clear. A signalling pathway called the hippo with Yes‐associated protein (YAP) as...

CRSwNP and smell – is it just the obstruction?

Anosmia and hyposmia are symptoms of CRS both with and without nasal polyps and can significantly affect quality of life. The nature of anosmia/hyposmia is thought to be both sensory-neural and conductive. These authors studied a mouse model in which...

Allergy and the ear

Allergic disease is commonly associated with asthma, eczema and rhinosinusitis. The authors reviewed possible associations between allergy and otologic diseases. The authors first explored the possible association between allergy with otitis media with effusion (OME) and found the majority of...

The hot nose

Capsaicin nasal spray can offer moderate to significant symptomatic relief to 70-80% of patients with idiopathic rhinitis (IR). Efficacy was also shown in lab studies. Nasal hyper reactivity (NHR), absence of allergy / infective rhinosinusitis, age limits (18-60), no anatomical...