You searched for "epithelial"

126 results found

The microbiological environment of the paranasal sinuses

This article reviews the ecology of the sinuses and tries to make sense of the confusing literature on the subject. This covers the details of molecular studies, particularly those which attempt to differentiate normal sinuses from those in patients with...

Outcome measures for hearing loss

This short editorial explores some possible options in measurement of quality of care in audiology. We traditionally tend to use clinician-related outcomes in place of patient-reported outcome measures and so we could miss a wealth of data on the impact...

The stigma of HPV in oral cancer

The increase of oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPC) in the developed world seems to be largely caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a group of 150 DNA viruses that are common and most people will be infected at...

In conversation with the editors of European Archives of ORL-HNS

The journal European Archives of ORL-HNS (EAORL) is a truly pan-European endeavour and has been hugely successful. With an Impact Factor (IF) of 2.6, it is now on a par with Laryngoscope. We spoke to some of the senior editors...

In conversation with the editors of European Archives of ORL-HNS

The journal European Archives of ORL-HNS (EAORL) is a truly pan-European endeavour and has been hugely successful. With an Impact Factor (IF) of 2.6, it is now on a par with Laryngoscope. We spoke to some of the senior editors...

Biologics for deafness

Cochlear implants and hearing aids are inherently limited in their ability to restore ‘natural’ hearing. Biological therapy to treat inner ear pathology still is evolving rapidly with several ongoing clinical trials, though none are available for clinical practice to date....

From the editor MarApr 2020

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Editor, ENT & Audiology News; Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: As I write this editorial, the world is holding its breath while it follows the coronavirus...

Editorial moves

Many congratulations to two members of the ENT & Audiology News team who have been given new roles.

Symptom Oriented Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery – Three Volume Set

Symptom Oriented Otolaryngology is a three-volume set covering an extensive range of symptoms in otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery. The editorial team of Randal Morton, Zahoor Ahmad and Malcolm Giles from New Zealand, have been supported by an illustrious team...

Style. Strength. Storz. Sybill Storz

This is an extraordinary book. When it arrived in my postbox, I certainly didn’t like it. When I opened the packet, it was big, heavy and very glitzy. My first thought was ‘coffee table book’, so I took it through...

Logan Turner’s Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear – Head and Neck Surgery, 12th Edition

Nine years since the previous edition, the 12th edition of Logan Turner sees Quentin Gardiner join Musheer Hussain as a Dundonian editorial double-act. The book has an inextricably East Coast of Scotland history; Arthur Logan Turner was the first ENT...

A brief history of adenoidectomy - a glowing report of the post nasal space

The traditional adenoid curette more closely resembles a medieval torture device than an instrument of cure. Therefore it is not much of a surprise to learn that it has changed little since its invention almost 150 years ago. During that...