You searched for "Ponto"

920 results found

Ensure Quick & Painless Treatment with our Sterile Single-use Clearway Suction Handle

Ideal for use in A&E, ENT, and Audiology treatment rooms, our Clearway Suction Handle has a soft malleable suctioning cap that effectively latches onto the surface of uneven objects and removes them, such as foreign bodies and plugs of dead skin and wax.

When you regret an implant!

Cochlear implants (CIs) offer a solution to hearing loss not helped by conventional hearing aids. CIs help in improving speech recognition scores. While significant, it is not sufficient to provide satisfaction in some implantees. Alignment between expectations and realistic outcomes...

A psychophysical perspective on single-sided deafness and its treatment by cochlear implants

Bob Carlyon gives us a psychophysical perspective on the hearing benefits that can and cannot be achieved for patients with single-sided deafness with a cochlear implant, and discusses some of the challenges in maximising the effectiveness of the treatment. He...

ENT in this issue...Smell

Chris Potter, MA, FRCS(Eng), FRCS (ORL), Consultant ENT Surgeon, Torbay Hospital, UK. E: The lack of attention to olfaction as a cultural experience is hard to explain in world literature. It is even harder to explain when one regards...

Can WhatsApp aid surgical team communication?

This plastic surgery team discuss their experience with using WhatsApp instant messaging over the last three years. WhatsApp is now commonplace amongst surgical teams in hospitals, for both social and business interactions. In the authors’ experience, WhatsApp allows team discussions...

“Oh Manchester is Wonderful”...And other chants you might hear from the football stands or at BACO

Chris Potter is a lad of the North West, and we see him here letting his bleach blond hair grow out to show us his Northern roots. When I was a lad, Manchester was a troubled city in apparent terminal...

What’s new about the 5th Congress of the CEORL-HNS?

The CEORL-HNS congress will feature novel ideas for sessions, including debates, ‘basic ENT’ and ‘nightmare’ sessions! The two leading figures of the meeting tell us about the evolution of the congress and future directions. There is something new about the...

The first major NHS cancer case performed at HCA London Bridge Hospital Cancer Centre

In the words of Mr Jean - Pierre Jeannon, 'we will get through this together'. Never better demonstrated than through the life saving team work seen yesterday led by JP and Mr Ricard Simo...CLICK HERE

From trauma to recovery: treatment at Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre

This year (2014) is the centenary year of the beginning of the Great War. This conflict brought with it a cluster of emotional disorders that were called at the time, Shell-Shock. The present conflict in Afghanistan has been talked of...

Does middle turbinate resection affect olfaction in endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery?

The middle turbinates (MT) are sometimes partially resected during endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal pituitary surgery to improve surgical access. Some outfracture the middle turbinates instead. This article presents results of the first prospective randomised study, investigating the effects of such surgery...

3D-printed temporal bone models - how good can they be?

In the era of increasingly difficult and expensive-to-come-by cadaveric temporal bones with which to practise drilling and learn the complex 3D anatomy of the temporal bone, decent alternatives would be welcome. McMillan et al report a prospective comparison study in...

Multi-channel cochlear implants: past, present and future

Forty years since the first multi-channel devices were implanted, who better than Ingeborg Hochmair, who has been a key figure throughout their evolution, to offer her thoughts on the past, present and future of multi-channel cochlear implants? Read on for...