You searched for "Denmark"

137 results found

Facial Landmark localisation by curvature maps and profile analysis

The detection of three dimensional (3D) landmarks by scanning surfaces is a well established method in medical science. Anatomical landmarks are visually or palpably detectable and act as reference points for clinical measurements. When measuring these landmarks with a sliding...

Vestibular Testing Interpretation: Drill and Practice

My overall impression of this book is that I liked it. While it reports to be designed for a trainee or junior practitioner, it may be useful for clinicians for whom vestibular conditions and testing is an area of heart-sink...

Telepractice in Audiology

Telepractice in Audiology is a useful insight and presents information in an easy to digest format whilst still being comprehensive. The book is aimed at those who may be unfamiliar with the concept of telepractice and those who may be...

Salivary pepsin – a simple test for LPR?

A diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) can be made on the basis of characteristic symptoms and nasendoscopy findings. Objective tests exist for this condition; for example, 24-hour dual-channel pH-metry which is considered to be the gold standard. Such tests are,...

How common is self-reported dysphagia in the general population?

Healthcare policymakers and commissioners of services often review incidence and prevalence data when deciding on resource allocation. The authors of this paper have capitalised on a large dataset, the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), which collects data on over...

The perils of poor postop blood pressure control

This retrospective case control study reviews 621 patients undergoing thyroid surgery over a 10-year period from 2002-2012 looking at postoperative haemorrhage rates. This potentially catastrophic complication warrants close analysis in order to best discern how it can be minimised. The...

Identifying early flap failure

The holy grail of flap monitoring is an easy, reliable and predictive method to identify impending compromise. Does this paper provide it? Various methods have been used to improve our ability to monitor the viability of a flap and here...

In conversation with Professor Jos Eggermont

Having known Jos for many years, I jumped at the opportunity to catch up with him for our Nov/Dec 2020 series of tinnitus items. My questions reached him during lockdown, and he was enjoying the chance to get on top...

Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults and Their Family Members – Sixth Edition

This book provides a plethora of information relating to aural rehabilitation. The author has taken a multi-faceted approach, combining firm evidence-based perspectives with an evaluation of the scientific foundations of current clinical practises. This book is mainly aimed at those...

Mastoid surgery for cholesteatoma

Landmark Paper: Toner JG, Smyth GDL. Surgical Treatment of Cholesteatoma: a comparison of three techniques. Am J Otol 1990;11(4):247-9. Canal wall up or canal wall down? Chris Aldren discusses the landmark paper that attempted to provide a definitive answer for...

Audiological and psychological consequences of single-sided deafness

The loss of sound input from one ear has a significant impact on our perception of our acoustic environment. This impact is compounded in adverse listening conditions. Rachel Knappett’s article explores the audiological impact of this hearing loss and the...

Recent advances in the diagnosis of silent reflux

The vexed topic of reflux always generates much discussion, particularly when it comes to testing. We hear about a non-invasive assay that is gaining in popularity. Voice disorders impact around four percent of the UK population and can significantly hamper...