You searched for "APD"

807 results found

Erasmus Darwin and the larynx – but why is it where it is and when?

Charles Darwin’s grandfather was not only on to where we all came from by the end of the 18th century, but dared to declare it in verse whilst resident in Lichfield Cathedral Close. This needed exceptional temerity, since not only...

The future of fall detection

Falls are a major global health burden. According to the World Health Organization, they are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide, with adults older than 65 at the greatest risk of a fatal fall. For every death...

Bettear: one start-up’s journey to bridging a technological gap in pursuit of auditory accessibility

Imagine your disappointment if you have been looking forward to seeing your favourite grunge band play live at the Dog and Duck for weeks. Your family is bored of you constantly playing their greatest hits. But when you turn up...

Reasons for attending annual hearing aid review appointments

The aim of this study was to investigate what factors influence hearing aid users’ decision to attend or not attend an annual hearing aid review (HAR) appointment. Two separate surveys were created for attendees and non-attendees. An invitation letter was...

Conductive hearing loss and temporal processing

This Turkish study looked at the effect of using hearing aids on auditory temporal processing (the ability of the hearing system to process the temporal properties of a sound stimulus in a certain period of time) in conductive hearing loss....

Continuing professional development

In this article Siobhán Brennan explores continuing professional development (CPD) in all its glory! She outlines why it’s important to continue learning throughout our careers, highlights some of the challenges facing those trying to undertake CPD and discusses the variety...

On-call ENT apps

ENT apps for trainees are few and far between. Here are a couple of them which could be useful for the on-call. Born out of the website with the same name, this app is a must-have if you work...

Neuromod establishes US subsidiary and appoints Eric Timm as US Chief Executive Officer

Neuromod Devices Ltd, the Irish medical device company which specialises in neuromodulation technologies, has announced the establishment of Neuromod USA Inc., a subsidiary headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois.

Independent lab tests and rates hearing aids

HearAdvisor is a new audio testing lab designed to understand how the performance of hearing aids differs.

Speech Testing

Gareth Smith, MSc, AuD,Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, UK. How often do patients come to hearing healthcare professionals having noted a difficulty hearing quiet beeps in a silent environment? Rarely? Never? Yet they...

Apps in allergic rhinitis

Utilising smart-phone applications to gather data is an expanding field in medicine. However, it is not without limitations including bias. The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) introduced the Allergy Diary application as part of...

Understanding new and emerging categories of hearing devices

The hearing device landscape is rapidly changing, and what should be given, to whom, and why, are questions that many hearing healthcare professionals are asking. Brent Edwards discusses these questions and how consumer characteristics may influence their choice. In 2016,...