You searched for "implant"

1962 results found

QuietStar continues to set new standards in noise control

Working in partnership with a local main contractor, QuietStar recently finished a complete ISO-compliant paediatric audiology test room suite for St Helen’s House in Ipswich, UK, part of the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust.

QuietStar completes their latest paediatric audiology test room

Working with the Estates & Facilities Team of the Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, QuietStar recently completed an ISO-compliant paediatric audiology test room for The Children’s Assessment Centre within the Dorset County Hospital.

How useful is AHI?

There is a growing unease in the sleep medicine world about the usefulness of the apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI). Most of our objective evidence about obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is in some way related to the AHI, and the respiratory physicians...

Canal wall down with obliteration of cavity for paediatric cholesteatoma

The authors present evidence that canal wall down (CWD) surgery with primary obliteration is an effective way to treat paediatric cholesteatoma. Fifty-eight ears were operated on and follow-up was for five years on average. Residual cholesteatoma rate was 9.9% with...

BACO Revisited - 1991

British Academic Conference (BACO) Revisited: Dublin, 1991 Report by: Musheer Hussain In anticipation of BACO 2020, Musheer Hussain takes a look back at some of the BACO conferences of past years, beginning with a memorable few days in Dublin in...

Thyroid cancer – the last decade

Professor Ashok Shaha describes the evolution in the treatment of thyroid cancer that he has witnessed over the last decade and the invaluable progress made by himself and others, from their contributions to staging systems and guidelines. Nuances and paradigm...

Increasing tongue strength to reduce dysphagia: what is the potential benefit of a device driven exercise?

Weakness in tongue muscle strength and laryngeal elevation is known to have an adverse impact on swallowing function. Various swallowing exercises are often recommended to improve function of these important structures with the goal of preventing aspiration and improving swallow...

Grading dysphagia as a toxicity in treating head and neck cancer

Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) is a system used by clinicians to grade the toxicity of oncology treatments in a standardised manner. Dysphagia is perhaps the most common long-term toxicity of head and neck cancer treatment. Currently, a...

How well do different assessments of swallowing correlate with one another?

Swallowing (dys)function may be assessed by three key measures: 1. instrumental swallowing techniques such as the modified barium swallow (MBS) or videofluoroscopy; 2. functional measures of diet texture that patients can eat comfortably (usually rated by the clinician); and 3....

Predicting which oropharyngeal SCC HPV-positive patients should avoid de-escalated treatment

This study is timely for many reasons and raises very important questions in the management of the current rise in HPV-positive patients with oropharyngeal cancer (OPC). The uniqueness of this group within head and neck cancer in terms of favourable...

Preoperative risk factors: when do you need to refer to the haematologist?

It is essential that clinicians are able to identify and assess which patients are in the high risk category for bleeding during ENT surgery. A full history, including medications, herbal remedies taken, any other medical co-morbidities and family history of...

The UK National Eye Health and Hearing Study

A pilot study is currently underway in preparation for a UK National Eye Health and Hearing Study (UKNEHS). This will help to ensure an up-to-date and comprehensive picture of sight and hearing loss among over 50s in the UK.