You searched for "Smell"

1517 results found

Milestones profile for children with cochlear implant

Over the last eight years, Nottingham auditory implant programme have developed and validated a profile of auditory milestones for use with children receiving bilateral cochlear implants under the age of two years. The structure of the Nottingham Auditory Milestones profile...

Audiologists’ perspectives on their ability to address hearing, social and emotional adult patient needs

Authors suggest there is little evidence that hearing technology addresses patients’ emotional concerns related to their lived experience of hearing and communication difficulty. The study explores the notion of audiologic counselling and discusses the role of audiologists in supporting the...

Why and how to assess digital literacy of older adults with hearing loss

Assessing digital literacy in older adults with hearing loss is vital for equitable care. The new DL-2Q tool quickly measures such skills, ensuring tailored support and better outcomes. Digital literacy and its importance When an older patient walks into your...

ENT in this issue...Global Ear and Hearing

GUEST SECTION EDITORS Prof Mahmood F Bhutta, DPhil FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant and Honorary Professor in ENT Surgery, University Hospitals Sussex and Brighton & Sussex Medical School, UK. E: Prof Jackie L Clark, MS, PhD, Clinical Professor, Behavioral & Brain...

Ergonomics in otorhinolaryngology

Raewyn Campbell is a rhinologist and skull base surgeon in Sydney, Australia. Prior to training in medicine, she was trained as a physiotherapist, and she brings both disciplines into her research on ergonomics in surgery. Surgeons need to look after...

Hearing loss: a challenge in Uganda

The charity, Helping Uganda Schools (HUGS), started 25 years ago. It funds the building of schools and sponsors young adults to university level. Education empowers, enhances lives and gives prosperity to countries.

ENT in this issue...Entrepreneurs and Innovation

Innovation has been the by-word of almost every meeting for the past five years. But what is it really? And how do we achieve it? I’ve always thought of it as a way of solving problems you have, not only...

Landmark clinical trial into treatment for severe hearing loss launches

Researchers at the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and the University of Nottingham are launching a new study, sponsored by the University of Nottingham, which will inform the most effective treatment for people with severe hearing loss globally (those with...

Celebrating CIICA's first anniversary

It was cause for a double celebration: not only was 25 February named as International Cochlear Implant Day, but it was the first anniversary of the CI International Community of Action (CIICA).

Industry update: rechargeable hearing aid batteries

They may be similar in size to a watch battery, but there is a drastic difference between the frequency with which hearing aid batteries need to be changed compared to the simple watch battery. Unlike a watch battery, which may...

Tinnitus? There’s an app for that

Chronic tinnitus. It is difficult to treat and can have a debilitating impact on those who suffer from it. To date, there is no treatment that is guaranteed to make tinnitus go away, though there are several existing treatments that...

Not just the scissors: the story of Myron Metzenbaum

Myron Metzenbaum was born in Cleveland, Ohio (USA) in 1876, the fourth of nine children. As a young man, he worked in the family’s linen store, where his father was well known to be very kind to the less fortunate...