You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

Looking at musculoskeletal disorders in audiology

Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the leading cause of sickness absence from work, work disability and loss of productivity across all European Union member states. Isla Beausire is a working audiologist with a personal and professional interest in this subject...

The effects of leisure noise exposure on young people’s hearing

There is growing concern regarding the effects of leisure noise exposure on young people’s auditory system. Information provided by healthcare professionals should be evidence-based; Hannah Keppler discusses some recent findings about hearing in young people. Excessive noise exposure can lead...

Making sense of modern wireless hearing aid technologies

Before diving into the topic of the technology behind wireless hearing aids, it is important to define two key concepts. The first is wireless frequency. This is the frequency at which a wireless signal is transmitted. In the context of...

‘Bare below the elbows’

So it has finally happened. I have reached that stage of reactionary bewilderment known as middle age. As well having my finger nowhere near the pulse of contemporary culture, I am finding the siren charms of BBC Radio 2 and...

Targeting the microbiome in chronic rhinosinusitis

Researchers at St Paul’s Sinus Centre and UBC in Vancouver are testing a novel treatment for CRS: transferring mucus from a healthy donor into a patient’s sinuses. Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is one of the most common diseases managed by otolaryngologists...

Where Art meets Science: A unifying story in ENT & Audiology News

We are delighted to introduce a stunning new cover series by Dyon Scheijen, a Maastricht-based clinical physicist-audiologist and artist fascinated by the psychology of hearing. Dyon explores the connection between audiology, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and sound perception. He...

Covid-19 A message from Gareth Smith

Whilst our ENT colleagues have scrambled to the coronavirus ‘call to arms’ and taken the ultimate risk, for many audiologists and audiology services the threat of this global virus presents some different challenges. Whilst social isolation is a scary thought...

Congratulations Prof Hesham Saleh

Hesham Saleh has been awarded the title of Professor of Practice in Rhinology at Imperial College London in recognition of outstanding contributions to education, leadership...

AAO-HNSF 'Call for Science' Deadline

The ‘Call for Science’ deadline for the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNSF) Annual Meeting is quickly approaching. Click here to link to the submission site and information on guidelines for submission. Please note that the Annual Meeting...

Image-Based Case Studies in ENT and Head & Neck Surgery

This is a question and answer style book based on 124 clinical images. Divided into four sections, the images are generally of very good quality. It is a handy size to carry around. The authors state it is aimed at...

How safe is sinonasal surgery for the operating surgeon in times of COVID-19?

I’m sure we have all wondered how safe we are in the operating theatre from virus circulating in the room and therefore the risk of subsequent COVID-19 infection. The authors addressed this by measuring the airborne particle concentrations in the...

Persistent symptoms of smell loss after COVID-19 infection

Anosmia as a result of COVID-19 infection is well recognised. This timely and topical French paper looks at 115 patients with proven SARS-CoV-2 infection, who were contacted with specific questions about olfactory and gustatory disturbance. They found 81% of patients...