Dr Dalia Tsimpida tells us about the art initiative she created in the midst of the pandemic to promote ear and hearing care, and celebrate the vibrant and diverse world of deaf identity. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Comparing studies requires common approaches. Ali Faramarzi takes a moment to consider how to tackle the presentation of audiometric data in publications. Uniformity in reporting hearing outcomes is paramount for accurate evaluation and comparison of hearing-related research. Standardised guidelines are...
Prior to the foundation of our speciality, thyroid surgery had a dubious reputation and universally dismal outcomes. Jenny Walton casts a critical eye over this dark chapter. Diseases of the thyroid gland have been referenced in historic texts for well...
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced audiology services across the globe to find new ways of working. This has resulted in a rapid increase in the uptake of remote care and, with it, some new privacy and security considerations. Connected hearing...
Introduction Temporal bone injuries represent one of the more complex management problems presenting to the otolaryngologist. This is largely due to difficulties in assessment and the frequent delays in referral, often as a result of other injuries demanding more immediate...
The most powerful evidence for the remarkable achievements made with cochlear implants over 40 years comes from the life-changing, personal stories of those who have benefited from the technology. James Rylance I first noticed a problem with hearing when I...
The surgical aspect of cochlear implantation is both a joy and a challenge – which is why we love it! In this article, Simon Freeman draws on the wisdom of his three previous mentors, sharing pearls from some of the...
1 July 2015
| Janet A Wilson, Valerie J Lund (Prof), John C Watkinson
The triennial BACO is always a feast of academic and social activity – and BACO 2015 promises to be as busy as ever. We hear from three of the key British speakers who are making big contributions to this year’s...
While many patients with chronic rhinosinusitis respond to medical treatment, some do not. The next step for these patients is surgery, but how soon should this be offered? Sooner rather than later seems to be the answer, as Claire Hopkins...
This article examines the career of deaf African American, Andrew Foster, and his contribution to deaf education in Sub-Saharan Africa. The history of medicine has often been guilty of attributing great revolutions to a single person (usually a white man)...
Ideal models of care for communities can include tailored ear and hearing care interventions. Barriers exist at an individual and societal level to realise the vision of hearing care for all, regardless of country or resource setting. Affordability of hearing...
There is growing awareness that hearing loss is linked to dementia [1]. The average first-time hearing aid user is about 70 years old. By this age, approximately 1 in 2 people have hearing loss and 1 in 7 have cognitive...