You searched for "Cocaine"

1320 results found

The septum and breathing

The authors compared the improvement in nasal obstructive symptoms in two groups of patients. One group underwent septoplasty alone and the other septoplasty accompanied with compensatory turbinoplasty. They used the Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) [12] and visual analog scale...

What is the right balance to strike in the management of anaplastic thyroid cancer?

This is a pragmatic article on a difficult and much debated subject. Management of anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) can feel like making decisions between a rock and a hard place, and this article suggests one path to help navigate some...

Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma – slowly getting there

The rarest of the rare, sinonasal tumours form only a small part of the total number of head and neck tumours and undifferentiated carcinoma (SNUC) is one of the rarest of this group. There is some data (and some expert...

Motor learning: better knowing how, not how well

Motor learning is described as the ability to perform a motor skill due to practice and/or experience. Research on interventions to enhance limb motor skills can be influenced through the amount, distribution, variability and schedule of practice as well as...

Is combined two wall decompression approach a better surgical outcome for Grave’s orbitopathy?

This retrospective study looked at the outcome of endoscopic medial wall combined with transcutaneous lateral orbital wall decompression in Graves’ orbitopathy. The following parameters were studied: reduction in proptosis; change in visual acuity and diplopia. A total of 36 orbits...

Laryngeal Function and Voice Disorders

This is a detailed, 323-page resource covering laryngeal function and voice disorders, basic science and clinical assessment. Spanning nine chapters, the authors cover the anatomy and physiology of phonation, survey of voice disorders, voice diagnostics, acoustic analysis, aerodynamic analyses, endoscopy...

Predicting speech recognition in adults with cochlear implants

This was a combined prospective and retrospective study from Belgium that looked at factors influencing speech recognition scores in quiet conditions (retrospectively) and speech reception threshold levels (SRT) in fixed noise conditions (prospectively) after cochlear implantation in postlingually deaf adults....

Does endoscopic stapling for pharyngeal pouch supersede open repair?

Endoscopic stapling for pharyngeal pouch is generally considered to be less invasive, safe and with fewer complications, resulting in quicker recovery and a shorter hospital stay. Whether these factors hold in the long-term follow-up is the subject of this interesting...

Preserving hearing in NF2 patients

Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is known to result in bilateral hearing loss, even when there is no significant tumour growth. The cause is postulated to be multifactorial: stretching and compression of the cochlear nerve by the tumour, impairment of labyrinthine...

Surgically improving pharyngeal paralysis and associated dysphagia

This was an interesting article explaining the current methods used to try and improve dysphagia and in some cases associated problematic aspiration following vagal injury. These patients are often those with other associated cranial neuropathies, with skull base lesions, brain...

Advancing the tongue in OSA surgery

This article further delineates the options for hypopharyngeal OSA and describes the technique of genioglossus advancement to improve the tension in the tongue base. The authors take the reader through the relevant anatomy appropriate to the procedure and describe the...

Surgery for hypopharyngeal obstruction causing OSA

Surgical treatments for OSA are evolving with improved diagnostic accuracy of the level(s) involved. Where the collapsing segment lies below the soft palate, a variety of surgical techniques to correct the affected segment(s) are emerging. This article concentrates on one...