You searched for "rehabilitation"

797 results found

Changing behaviour with a human factors approach

The Francis Report (2013) identified multiple problems relating to the safety culture of Stafford Hospital in the period 2005 – 2009, as well as serious failings in the supervisory and regulatory systems of the NHS. Particular criticism was directed at...

Matthew Clark: full-time otologist, spare-time sculptor

Drilling a temporal bone may seem like torture to some trainee surgeons. To others it is but a stepping stone to something altogether grander... I took Art A-level a year early so as not to interfere with the ‘important subjects’,...

Chocolates for laryngectomees

When The Chocolate Line in Bruges, Belgium, was approached by the charity, Shout at Cancer, there was always going to be something very special and innovative in the pipeline! Shout at Cancer’s Thomas Moors has been chatting with Julius Persoone,...

In conversation with Professor Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen

Friends for a quarter of a century, Ricard Simo and Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen caught up for a distanced chat about conferences, COVID and collaborations. Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen. I remember meeting you for the first time in Budapest at the 1995 EUFOS Meeting....

From the editor September/October 2023

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS),Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: d.costello@nhs.netTw: @Voicedoctor_uk Who do you think you are? And – perhaps equally important – how do you come across to other people? For...

The role, aims and organisation of the 2017 IFOS World Congress

IFOS is a truly international organisation – indeed, its rules state that the Executive Committee must have representation from every continent. IFOS President, Chong Sun Kim, tells us more. Dear friends and colleagues, I am very pleased to welcome all...

The role of metrics in studies of hearing and cognition

Introduction When perceiving sounds in real-world listening environments, older adults encounter several sources of degradation that can interfere with the perceptual process (Figure 1). Target signals (i.e. the sounds that a listener wants to focus on) have specific acoustic characteristics...

The Brain’s Connectome – a symphony inside our brains and how hearing loss disturbs the music

Understand us; where do we begin? In this article the authors’ introduce a project that may uncover that our personalities and traits are a product of the interconnected wiring within our brain. The team discusses the Human Connectome Project and...

Unexplained dizziness in elderly patients

How do we explain unexplained dizziness in elderly patients? How far should we go with investigations? And most importantly, how should we manage this challenging and expanding group of patients whose balance affects their safety? Richard Ibitoye and Diego Kaski...

Lyric 24/7 hearing: could it help those with tinnitus?

About Lyric Hearing Since its launch in 2008, Lyric represents the first and only device of its kind establishing a new category of hearing solution: 24/7 extended wear. Lyric is placed several millimetres within the ear canal, near the tympanic...

On the influence of sex on tinnitus burden and its phenotypes

One important aspect of the new paradigm in tinnitus research is to question basic assumptions. What associations does the sex of a person have with their experience of and reaction to tinnitus? Chris Cederroth raises the question and tells us...

The Surgical Skills Centre in BACO 2018: pride of place

Simulation in medical training is gaining prominence with every passing year, and BACO will have a large space showcasing this area. We hear from the organisers. In recognition of the developing importance of simulation in surgical training, BACO 2018 has...