You searched for "management"

1355 results found

Maturation of BC attenuation

The aim of this study was to clarify the reason for differences between bone-conduction hearing in adults and infants. The authors investigated how the sound pressure level in the ear canal changes depending on the bone-conduction transducer placement. By using...

Grasping opportunities and taking chances: an accidental journey to the perfect destination

Here, Jonathan Parsons tells us more about his journey from clinical audiologist to setting up a social enterprise in the National Health Service. My route to Exeter and to a social enterprise has had several twists and turns and not...

Diseases of the Ear, Nose & Throat in Children: An Introduction and Practical Guide

The name Professor Ray Clarke is well known and well regarded around the paediatric ENT world. With this helpful book, Prof Clarke creates the perfect knowledge base to make paediatric ENT more accessible to those working in general ENT and...

How to talk about hearing aid costs?

Money is always a controversial topic if discussed in reference to healthcare. This study raises the interesting topic of difficulties when it comes to discussing the costs of hearing aids with customers. Sixty-two audiological appointments were recorded and discussions concerning...

Adult Audiology Casebook

This is quite an intriguing audiology text, which takes some time to get into. The first couple of cases are a bit obscure and off putting; however, by choosing individual cases to read, rather than reading through the book systematically,...

CROS hearing aids existed 10 years before they were even invented!

We all know the principles of CROS aids and the potential benefits they provide to patients, but did you know they were invented many years before they were officially described in literature? In this engaging article, Neil Bauman explains how...

Connecting healthcare

In recent years, there has been a definite shift toward the acceptance and use of smartphone technology in the delivery of healthcare. Within the fields of ENT and audiology, there is considerable appeal in the portability, simplicity, affordability, and connectivity...

ENT Expert Opinion

The creator of ENT Expert Opinion, Dr Niall Jefferson, was in the midst of his surgical training in Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery in Australia in 2012. In contemplating his upcoming Fellowship exams, he began to seek out resources that...

Head and neck cancer multidisciplinary team

Why do we have MDTs? Do they make a difference to outcomes? Jon Bernstein explores the whys and wherefores of the head and neck cancer MDT, and wonders where things might go from here… Head and neck (upper aerodigestive tract)...

Prednisolone and/or acyclovir for Bell’s palsy

Landmark Paper: Sullivan FM, Swan IRC, Donnan PT, et al. Early treatment with prednisolone or acyclovir in Bell’s Palsy. N Engl J Med 2007;357(16):1598-607. Facial nerve paralysis as a consequence of Bell’s palsy can result in devastating long-term effects on...

Genetics WG4. Improving diagnosis and drug development through the genetic understanding of tinnitus subtypes: a TINNET endeavour

Christopher R Cederroth and Jose Antonio Lopez-Escamez explain how progress is being made to investigate the contribution of genetic factors to tinnitus, including a subtype of ‘extreme’ tinnitus in Ménière’s disease. Genetics WG4 is working towards determining the genetic basis...

In conversation with Julian Hamann

In recent years, there has been a definite shift toward the acceptance and use of smartphone technology in the delivery of healthcare. Within the fields of ENT and audiology, there is considerable appeal in the portability, simplicity, affordability, and connectivity...