You searched for "imbalance"

897 results found

Achieving consensus on candidacy for cochlear implantation

The British Cochlear Implant Group’s candidacy working group recently ran a national exercise, working towards a consensus on candidacy for cochlear implantation in the UK. Padraig Kitterick and Debi Vickers were instrumental in this exercise, and in the article below,...

Active middle ear implants and bone-anchored hearing systems

The implantable hearing device market has grown significantly over recent years. But as conventional hearing aids improve and cochlear implant candidacy widens, what is the role for active middle ear implants and bone anchored hearing systems, and how should we...

Semi implantable bone conduction devices: challenges and developments

Bone conduction mechanisms and history of bone conduction aids Bone conduction hearing devices work by stimulating hair cells via the bone conduction hearing pathways. These pathways are less well understood than the air conduction pathways, but recent research has shown...

AUDIOLOGY - In conversation with Dr Jerry Northern

Gareth Smith chats with Dr Jerry Northern and learns about his fascination with Mount Everest, the legendary Marion Downs and his unique career in audiology… Jerry with the legendary Marion Downs. Tell us about your background, how did you come...

2014: Are today’s implantable devices better than conventional solutions for patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss?

Patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss become candidates for amplification when reconstructive surgery is not viable. Three common amplification options are conventional acoustic devices, such as behind-the-ear devices (BTEs), (implantable) bone-conduction devices and active middle ear implants. The goal...

User perspectives of online audiological rehabilitation programmes

Recent research shows that online audiological rehabilitation programmes have the potential to improve the quality of life of hearing aid users. However, there are still areas that need need improvement. Elisabet Thorén discusses some of the problems people face when...

Hearing loss in the workplace

It is probably accurate to say that most jobs today can be effectively performed by people who have hearing loss. In this article Dr Sam Trychin outlines some of the major issues which should be considered in regard to hearing...

Audiology in this issue...The Weird World of Science

Gareth Smith, Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, UK. E: Twitter: @garethlsmith In this edition, I’ve taken rather an editor’s privilege in exploring outside of our mainstays in audiology and widened the field to consider acoustics more widely...

ENT in this issue...Historical Figures in ENT and Audiology

GUEST SECTION EDITORS Katherine Conroy, ST7 at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Northwestern Deanery, Department of ENT, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK. E: Prof Ray Clarke, BA, BSc, DCH FRCS, FRCS(ORL), Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK;...

Audiology in this issue...Age-related Hearing Loss and Dementia

GUEST SECTION EDITOR Barbara E Weinstein, PhD, Professor and Founding Executive Officer Health Sciences Doctoral Programs, Graduate Center, CUNY, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, USA. E: The prevalence of dementia is escalating worldwide,...

Freud’s Friend, Fliess

Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin rhinologist, was for many years Sigmund Freud’s closest friend and confidant. He was born in Poland in 1858. In 1887, he visited Vienna for postgraduate studies, and met the famous psychoanalyst, Freud [1]. They were immediate...

History of ENT - Freud's Friend, Fliess

Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin rhinologist, was for many years Sigmund Freud’s closest friend and confidant. He was born in Poland in 1858. In 1887, he visited Vienna for postgraduate studies, and met the famous psychoanalyst, Freud [1]. They were immediate...